Ford and Spielberg to revive Indiana Jones, again

Hey look, I just found twenty bucks in my pocket that didn’t get spent on a shitty afternoon spent in a movie theatre avoiding eye contact with everyone in there!


IMHO, was the best thing he ever wrote. Really smart, literate script.

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How dare you sir. The Scorpion King 4 was possibly the best sequel to a sequel to a sequel to a spinoff prequel to a sequel to a remake of a classic movie based on an urban legend of all time.


Wasn’t there a depressing view of the ‘old man’ Indiana Jones in a nursing home in the intro/outro scenes in one of the episodes of the ‘Young Indiana Jones’ TV series?


Yes, unless they decide to break continuity then Indy has to live to at least 94 years old. At that point you can’t really “climactically kill off” a character so much as “mercifully release them to the sweet embrace of death.”


I knew a 98 year old who rototilled his own garden, had been a field surgeon in WWII and had toured with a Chautaqua movement camp when he was a kid. I don’t think he stole any priceless artifacts, but he did have a nazi skull in his attic.


I’m sure they could try to declare it inconvenientnon-canon, but I’m pretty sure Spielberg was involved in that series, too.

(OTOH, If any retcon also removed ‘Mutt’ from the continuity, I’m sure the fanbase could be sold on the idea.)

Edit: I can spell ‘Spielberg’ correctly, honest I can.


Sounds like your neighbor had a full life, but I bet everyone didn’t go “ohmygod I didn’t see THAT coming!!” when he finally exited this mortal coil.


Well in my newly created personal continuity there was no mutt. All the rest of the “film” was a hallucination Indy had while he died in that fridge.
There problem solved.

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While my memories of the episodes of that series I did see (on fuzz-o-matic video-hire-shop-VHS editions) are mercifully dulled by time, I’m pretty sure that the ‘old Indy’ depicted wasn’t up to rototilling anything. :confused:

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If I remember the pilot correctly he slid down a bannister at the end of the episode when nobody else was looking. Of course that could be less an indication of his spryness than a clear warning sign of dementia.


Fair enough.

I note that a lot of it seems to be on YouTube, if anyone with more stamina/determination than me wants to check it out.
(I also note that Harrison Ford replaced the usual actor, to play the old Indy himself in one episode, so as with Patrick Stewart in TNG, you could possibly see how well the ‘old person’ makeup compares with the latter period real thing.)

Additionally, Harrison Ford reprised his role for a season two episode, taking the usual place of Hall.

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We’ve got about 20 more years to go before real Harrison Ford catches up with age-makeup Harrison Ford. Get ready for a long run of progressively more depressing sequels.

Rant: I hated a lot of things about Crystal Skull, but especially the “happy ending” where Indy not only gets reinstated at the college but gets promoted to Associate Dean. They dedicated a whole scene of Last Crusade to underscore how much Indy hates the administrative/deskwork side of academia, even going so far as to sneak out the window so he wouldn’t have to grade term papers or meet with students during his office hours. So now we’re supposed to believe he’d be ecstatic about a job where he has to do even MORE of that stuff?


I agree with this rant.


To be fair, he stayed away from light aircraft.


Seriously, this is Hollywood we’re talking about, where scripts are an afterthought. Except at Pixar.


What about Hugh Jackman? In a more grown-up version, R-rated and properly sombre, that is. Absolutely not in anything remotely as comic-like as the original films. That would mean a vanhelsingesque fiasco.


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