Former Defense Secretary Jim Mattis denounces Trump as a threat to America, compares him to Nazis

nah. That noise you heard was all of them taking an angle grinder to deface their Mad Dog Mattis meme AR-15 receivers

If/when it becomes obvious that Trump is reviled by a solid majority, sticking with him will become toxic to their own electoral prospects. And that’s when you’ll see them try to distance themselves. To save their own asses, no more no less.

Arguably it would be better for the country and the world if those sitting republicans stayed hitched to 45 to the bitter end. Defeat more of them.


I keep wondering the same…“So where is the line for you?!?”

Like how has Nostradumbass and the GOP NOT crossed all the lines at this point?

So yeah…even if this is where it is…sure I’ll take it as a minor victory and move forward.


I can’t believe there are people who won’t take this as even a small W.

Hate Mattis all you like, I’m sure he deserves it. But he is also a recent former cabinet member denouncing a sitting president.

You want to burst the cultists’ bubble and defeat not just the man but the ideology, you need more like this, no matter how odious the person in question. Supporting these kinds of statements doesn’t make you a fan of the monster of the day.


I don’t have to apologize for the conduct of my men.

Fuck. you. Mattis. There’s a chain of command for a reason, and the buck stops with you buddy.

42 people died at a wedding party. Instead of an apology and investigation into HOW THE FUCK this could happen, we get a mealy-mouthed “oops, this war we started really sucks, and people are going to die but that happens in war”.


end of day it is a two way street. No one here needs Mattis’ approval to rebuke the current POTUS…nor does he need anyone’s validation to do said same.

I am of the same mindset to say “I’ll take anyone rebuking Nostradumbass at this stage”. Doesn’t forgive any other past ills, but it may help move forward towards change. Kudos given for speaking out on this is just that and only that.

its a W…regardless of size or style.


It may be worth considering that von Stauffenberg was also something less than a morally pure man, but history remembers kindly the fact that he stood up and tried to do what was right at some point.


The point about why Mattis’ speaking out is important is well stated here…


THIS. It was always this, even when it was Kaepernick kneeling, it was this.


The Army leadership have to tip-toe around trying to say the same thing:


Yeah that’s the reason why I’m torn on this issue.

On the one hand it’s about time for the population to act against the brutality and racism.

On the other hand my compassion is limited by the fact that only when their security/military apparatus shows its true colors and turns against themselves they take action but were totally fine with it killing and brutalizing brown people overseas.


No, it’s not that I don’t welcome it, but in this case (and way too many others) it’s too little, too late. I understand how I came across and how you came to that interpretation though.

What I was chiefly responding to was the idea that he had something to lose by speaking out while SECDEF and still in an active duty status.

Specifically, the public’s percieved notion that if he had made the same statement while still on active duty, he would face court-martial proceedings and lose everything. More specifically though, is the belief being stated that Mattis himself believed court-martial was possible if he spoke his mind then - and the reason why he didn’t. This notion is bolstered by Mattis publically admonishing his old boss, just now.

I call that a cowardly move because, Mattis, who spent a majority of his life serving his country, FAILED to serve it when it mattered most. Instead, he was silent when he had the opportunity to say EXACTLY THE SAME THING as he just did.

TLDR version: He was more interested in covering his own ass rather than the country he swore his life to protect, and benefited greatly from.


Joe and Rory are both veterans, BTW.


Well, he didn’t … eventually.

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