Former Proud Boy leader Henry "Enrique" Tarrio sentenced to 22 years in prison



Did I say he was a dork? I said, and I quote, “[he has] resting dork face, [and] is bald.”

The first is a matter of opinion but is an arguable description of his looks, the second is a matter of fact. Neither of them referred to his character, instead leaving it to the reader to infer what I was implying about his character, based on his actions vis his choice of costume.

But point taken, that is indeed the risk whenever one expresses oneself without laying absolutely everything out: that readers can infer things you never said or meant, or miss things you meant but only implied, sometimes simultaneously.

I’m sorry I was unclear the first time. I was perhaps attempting to strike too light-hearted a tone in the face of this horrific hellscape/timeline through which we’re living.

ETA: punctuation, clarity

Nope. Dude’s got a nose. So it’s definitely the Count.

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The other two are Grift and True Belief

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Dude looks like Karl Pilkington from an evil alternate universe.


Interesting (in a sarcastic way), that when held to account for his actions, he cried and pled for mercy.

The defendant's voice cracked as he pleaded with the judge to show him mercy and broke down when talking of his family, saying he had failed them.

“I am not a political zealot. Inflicting harm or changing the results of the election was not my goal,” Tarrio said.

"Please show me mercy.

“I ask you that you not take my 40s from me.”

FAFO, indeed!


His words and actions suggest otherwise.


And Consequences followed with him.


You serve 18 days per 30 on a DoC sentence. It’ll be more like 51 years old and a long parole.

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WTAF is it with a pretty obviously not-white dude giving the white power hand sign? He has to know he would be against the wall next!


The problem is that he’s a violent fascist. Downplaying that and saying he has a particular face isn’t particularly helpful… :woman_shrugging:


And he would not be wrong on that.


So, I’m curious as to what his life in prison is going to be like? Will he be in isolation or will he be in GenPop? Because I sure hope he’s not in GenPop where he can influence other inmates.

Maybe, maybe not.

Hiding his less than conventionally handsome appearance with conventionally cool identity options was a big part of his fascist persona, no?

Pointing that out doesn’t strike me as a way of downplaying his violent fascism. Couldn’t it instead be a pointing out of one way that the fascism functions, via a certain visual appeal?


Given that he’s a known informant, I doubt if he’ll be in Gen Pop.


Mrs. NCode and I had this discussion last night while watching the news. Best answer that I can come up with (based on my arm-chair, pod-cast-enabled analyst mode) is one or more of the following:

  • Doesn’t see himself as non-white-enough to count. AKA not as dark as the others the PeanutButters target
  • Surly he is One Of The Good Ones™ and won’t be targeted should the group’s goals of purity ever be met
  • The PB org fulfilled his need for belonging, hierarchy, and supports the toxic male mindset
  • A straight up Quisling along the lines of those of less than #FFFF complexion championing the swastika and associated ideology

again, not wanting to arm-chair psychology this, just some thoughts that were spoken on the question of why…
I’m sure someone else knows better…


i mean, which gang will he align with? a non-white white supremicist is kind of a niche group.


That PB no-wank rule could be a problem, or is he done with that?

Probably, but again, if some anti-racist guy dressed like that, it wouldn’t be an issue. The violent racism is the problem.

It’s like the fascist haircut (see someone like Richard Spencer)… it’s a particular cut favored by the far right, because it looks much like the kind of cut worn by Nazis in the 30s/40s. But plenty of non-racist underground artists in the 80s also picked up that along with other fashion choices in an attempt at bricolage, in part to highlight the connection to fascism in order to denounce it rather than to embrace or celebrate it. I’d argue what matters more is how a symbol is used, to either confirm or distort an association (see, for example, Laibach’s whole thing).

Or Skinheads for that matter… pretty much everyone without an understanding of the subculture will just assume a shaved head, boots, and braces = racist thug, but in reality skinhead politics runs the gamut from hardcore racist to hardcore anti-racist. You got to look for particular signifiers to know which one you’re dealing with. What color are the laces, for one…

No, but saying he has “resting dork face” certainly minimizes him and what he’s done. “He’s just s dork, so we can just laugh at him and not worry so much about what he’s done”… In the face of this being still a threat we face, his actions and ideology worry me more, given just how fraught the meaning of such fashions can be.

YMMV, of course, but that’s how I see it.