Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/06/05/man-who-aimed-bow-and-arrow-at.html
Sounds like Trump cabinet material
SLC has a big meth problem, right?
Not the sharpest tool in the shed.
I thought Robin Hood was supposed to be fighting for the citizenry AGAINST the abuses of government and law enforcement.
Sometimes you have to ask, quite unironically, if there might be something in the water.
if you didn’t grow up during the cold war […] You shouldn’t be alloud [allowed] to vote!!!
Is this an acceptable time to use “ok boomer”?
Wow. He hates Democrats so much he went from cop assaulter to boot licker.
Fortunately, that’s really rare.
Whoo boy. This guy sure checks a lot of boxes in the “what’s wrong with conservatives” list.
Sigh. Trump seems to draw people in who seem to hate change. Not just a little bit of change, but ALL CHANGE in all of it’s forms. This guy wished that it was still the 70s or 80s and something tells me he’s going to acclimate to prison really poorly.
If he gets convicted and sent to prison, he won’t have to acclimate to life as an inmate.
Violent criminals are always prime recruiting material for the brownshirts (assuming they have the correct skin colour, of course).
From the wound, I wonder if he let go of the bow and held onto the arrow?
Brown shirts not brown skins?
I sense a pattern of behavior…
Worked in Taylorsville, can confirm racist shitheads.
Don’t, don’t, don’t give him any ideas.
In hindsight - Hillary describing the ‘basket of deplorables’ seems right on the money.
How bad is the damage to your car?
Well, I see it on fire…