Former senior CIA official says it's "quite near time" for Trump supporters to kill Trump opponents

  1. Women who stared at Scheurer also stared at … tortured people?
  2. He did it to piss of Joey.

This is why certain someone’s should have never been.


ex-CIA official.

CIA, meaning he’s more likely to have had some interaction with GRU counterparts or entities.

Meaning the chance of he having been turned by the Russians is quite better than never.

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In all honesty, I can like your softball take on this (and indeed I do) while simultaneously knowing that not all murdering NAZIs suffered from mental illness.


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That’s not an odd sentence structure for someone who learned English in India or Pakistan. Although pretty extremely unlikely for an American born in the late 20th century.

An American would have said “if Trump does not do what is necessary to save the republic soon” rather than “if Trump does not soon do the necessary to save the republic”.

I have to explain to people what “do the needful” and “do the necessary” mean quite frequently. Because Americans of my generation don’t say that.

I suspect this might end up like when Simon Conway Morris published Hallucegenia upside down - people will ignore what I’m saying right up until the moment they start claiming they knew it all along. Luckily I’m far too old now to get as ticked off as I did about that. :slight_smile:


I wasn’t intentionally taking issue with it. I happened to read that sentence right after watching the Schoolhouse Rock thing. The quoted section is a mouthful though.

Yep. I work with a ton of Indians. (If you want to be technical, many tons of them, given my company employs thousands)

These expressions are not only valid English, they are valid English that was used in the 1800’s in both the US and UK. Their usage lingers in ex-colonies now.

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Exactly my point, yes!

Try reading it aloud with a Mumbai cadence or an Urdu accent, and you’ll see what I mean. It’s very difficult to believe a “former senior CIA official” named “Michael Scheuer” writes in such an idiom, but totally believable in my buddy Samip’s precise Indian English.

I suppose I should read something Scheuer admits to having written, and compare, though. I’ve used words like yclept and gormless right here on BBS :slight_smile:


It just reads like “pretentious faux-intellectual douche” to me.

But sure, perhaps he was stationed in Mumbai at some point. Or read a bit of Kipling.


Indeed, the sky is falling. It is falling, falling, the sky is falling.

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I dunno. In my country, there are laws that would put him in Jail for such comments. Incitation to murder does not equal free speech. We know that since that little man with his square mustache had a significant number of people killed just by saying things.


Russia’s exact desire to cause the US to tear itself apart. America is already losing its position as a global leader because of Trump’s random, violent, racist, xenophobic, homophobic, misogynistic, and disrespectful rhetoric; this is all part of Putin’s plan to raise Russia’s standing in the world.

Don’t discount Putin’s hand in this.

Trump doesn’t give a shit about Israel - he’s just pandering to the Christian Evangelical base with his actions.


I don’t discount him at all. I think Putin’s smart and opportunistic and he’s been laying the groundwork to interfere in US politics for some time. I think he saw in Trump’s narcissism, inexperience, lack of education, personal scandals and shady business dealings a confluence of factors that made him the perfect vehicle for disinformation and disruption.

But I think it’s a mistake to ascribe all of the racial, cultural, and political strife we are experiencing in the US to covert Russian ops. The fires burning right now have been smoldering since at least the 1950s (or the civil war, take your pick). The alignment of conservative and evangelical ideology, the republican siege on expertise, education and science, the seething resentment of low skilled workers left behind by the information economy- all of that has been dry tinder, just waiting for the right spark. Putin saw his chance and took it; Trump was his match to the pyre.




When was violence done to these three people?


so wearing a shirt with the flag of a u.s. commonwealth is equivalent to facilitating crimes against humanity?


Which agents of the “deep state” are you speaking of? Mitch McConell? Paul Ryan?

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., labeled Russia “a menacing government” that does not share U.S. interests and values and said he would be open to placing more sanctions on Russia for interfering in the election.

“They did interfere in our elections — it’s really clear,” Ryan told reporters in Washington. “There should be no doubt about that.”
A few hours later, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., speaking at a news conference, cited “indisputable evidence” that Russia tried to impact the 2016 election.
“We understand the Russian threat, and I think that is the widespread view here in the United States among members of both parties,” he said.

Maybe you meant Trey Gowdy?

“The evidence is overwhelming, it can be proven beyond any evidentiary burden that Russia is not our friend and they tried to attack us in 2016,” Gowdy said in an interview on Fox News. “So the President either needs to rely on the people that he has chosen to advise him, or those advisers need to reevaluate whether or not they can serve in this administration.”

Or perhaps you’re thinking of the Senate Intelligence Committee, led by Republican Richard Burr, whose report on Russian election interference read:

Russian efforts to influence the 2016 U.S. presidential election represent the most
recent expression of Moscow’s longstanding desire to undermine the U.S.-led
liberal democratic order, but these activities demonstrated a significant escalation
in directness, level of activity, and scope of effort compared to previous
• The Committee found that this judgment was supported by the evidence
presented in the ICA. Since its publication, further details have come to light
that bolster the assessment

Here’s a link to the report if you’re curious what else those dastardly deep staters had to say.

I guess it’s possible you’re thinking of that nest of deep state propagandists, The National Review:

Every tool used against Hillary Clinton in 2016 can just as easily be used against any Republican candidate at the future. Yes, the Russians preferred Drumpf in the past presidential-election cycle, but their real preferred outcome was chaos — an America that was divided, angry, suspicious, distrusting, and eager to believe the worst about anyone who disagreed with them. (Mission accomplished.)

This is why Republicans should be taking the Russian hacking and disinformation efforts extremely seriously, and should push for the best cybersecurity and firewalls possible, wherever they are needed to ensure public faith in the election process. Republicans should also call out foreign disinformation as strongly and loudly as possible. The Russians aren’t on any American’s side — and it’s foolish to pretend that the snake that bit your opponent in the last cycle could never bite you in the next one.

Far out, man! Who’d have thought so many Republicans were part of the deep state! You guys really ought to clean house. If you want a suggestion, start at the top and work your way down.


No, he’s not “describing”. He’s encouraging this to happen when he says “it’s time”.


Did you read my response? It wasn’t about vote totals, it was about your assertions concerning the “deep state”. No-one here disputes the fact that Trump was elected, though many of us are upset by the idea of unfriendly state actors attempting soft regime change via social engineering.

Looking at the 50 largest US cities, 33 of the mayors are Democrats,14 are Republicans, and 3 are Independents. At the state level, the numbers are reversed, 66% of governors are Republicans. Republicans also own the House, Senate, Presidency, and increasingly, the courts.

I’ve never understood this line of alt-right argument. Are you contending that Democrats conspired to commit voter fraud and deliver unified control of the government to Republicans?