Former US President George W Bush still an embarrassing boob

Funerals are such happy occasions.

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It’s obviously because he is wearing that purple suit! I couldn’t wear a purple suit and not dance.

between the weird, super-chill and loose paintings, and this dancing, I can’t help but think that Cheney had parts of Bush’s brain removed or medically corroded to erase things George had seen and heard…like, seriously.


I really don’t give a damn if our pseudo-intelligentsia found it funny that former President Bush was swaying to a song that was trenchantly ironic in the context of this day. There is only one best response to it; the entire lyrics of Julia Ward Howe’s song:

Oh, Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
He is trampling out the vintage where grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword,
His truth is marching on.

Glory, glory, hallelujah! Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah! His truth is marching on.

I have seen Him in the watchfires of a hundred circling camps;
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps,
His day is marching on.

He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His Judgement Seat.
Oh! Be swift, my soul, to answer Him, be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.

In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in his bosom that transfigures you and me;
As he died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.

As this lady did say yesterday:

Bush’s lack of character in no way excuses any one else’s.

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No. Albert Gore was an ass. The privileged son of Beltway aristocracy. His difference from the Republican elite was so small as to render them indistinguishable…in the eyes of the Muslim dead across 2 continents, and a few archipelagos.

Stop pretending he would have been a different world. He was just Tony Blair with a (Beltway-modulated) Tennessee accent.

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He was called “wonky” by pundits, so your response is swing and a miss there. I disagree with what you say, but since you’re just wandering in a confused tangent of vague and shallow value judgments about character and idle speculations there’s nothing to debate. You’re not even at the point where you’ve offered anything approaching an argument or meaningful claim, so there’s nothing to discuss.


he’s not just aloof, he is THE loof. What a fuckin LOOF.




He also supported the US Gov’t providing attack helicopters to the military in the area where the pipelines carrying his families oil kept getting blowed up by locals who were not getting the benefit of their resources being depleted.

I’ll give him credit for divesting, but he did that after the epic, crushing, eye opening loss we handed him. Fuck that guy, let him make his movies. Let him have a soapbox but nothing more.


I’ve no doubt that he would have continued the venerable US tradition of homicidal exploitation of the non-white world, but there is one major way that he might have changed the world: he’s the only major US politician to have shown any sign of treating the climate disaster with appropriate seriousness.

Climate change is the #1 most important and urgent political issue, and has been for some decades. I’d vote for Trump if I thought he’d shut down the US coal and oil industries.

Racial and economic justice don’t mean shit when compared to the global existential threat of carbon pollution. If we don’t act immediately, we’re all fucked.

We’re probably fucked even if we do act immediately. The time for action was twenty years ago.


Feel free to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. The world is full of people, people are all broken, esp. those with a political career, every choice for a Pres. who’s nominated into the duopoly is only which moral compromises are the least objectionable to you. Gore’s flaws were boy-scout class to my eyes in comparison to Bush’s (whose raided the treasury of TX to reward friends and was full of blood lust), while I saw backing Nader as a naive, escapist kind of magical thinking based on a near nihilist lack of concern for consequences and false moral equivocation between actors whose character flaws, intellects, and capacity for the role they were applying for weren’t equal. Feel free to disagree, though I’m done with the discussion, there’s something basically incommensurate between our views that I don’t see being bridged, and it’s okay, I still think you’re cool even when we’ll never see eye to eye on this one.


Only because we couldn’t get the Arnold Amendment passed.


Please stop referring to US presidents as “leaders of the free world.”
It’s offensive to citizens of the free world outside the USA.
The free world elects its leaders. If GWB ever lead us, we weren’t free.

Oh, that guy. You can have him. And please keep him.

Mussolini made the trains run on time. Plus, another guy came along and raised the “bad Fascist dictator” bar to the moon. POST ABORTED DUE TO GODWIN’S LAW


But his “true self” was a fucking idiot-asshole. He was no more sincere than Clinton or Trump in who he let influence him.

This is how “legacies” exist, most people have the memory of a goldfish. That or they didn’t pay enough attention to get angry.


What the heck are you even trying to say with this?

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This isn’t the perfect being the enemy of the good. This was the enemy of the good pretending to be the good. That’s unjust and pretentious.

I still think you’re cool even when we’ll never see eye to eye on this one.

I still think you’re cool even though you call me naive for not equivocating and not voting out of fear.

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Yep. I’m definitely viewing things through history’s lens and with relativity in mind. I was angry at George and Dick. I protested them and their stupid war that cost trillions and lives. And now with the benefit of hindsight and historical perspective, I view them (well George, anyway - Dick can fuck right off) as far less intransigent than Drumpf and his potential to drag us down to true despotism and chaos.

I am not proud of my relativity and it is not deeply-rooted nor fully thought through; but rather it is a fleeting thought posted in a place where all fleeting thoughts appear as firmly-held convictions.


Nononono, trump is really moving heaven and earth to buddy up to our Latinx-American brothers and sisters:

Well, I’m sure he means “banned” in the nicest way possible…


I think it’s a huge stretch to say the Iraq war would have happened under Gore unless he also put Cheney and Rumsfeld in his administration.