Former US President George W Bush still an embarrassing boob


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Seriously, I can’t tell if he’s loaded, socially inept, or has a chorea-like disorder.

The first would be unpardonable, the second would be understandable, the third would just be sad.


None of the above. This is early dementia. Sadly, I’ve seen identical behavior in my family.


The Bidens look very embarrassed.

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Michelle’s embarrassment is palpable, and I’m not sure Laura knows what the fuck he’s thinking either.


You may be right.

No, he didn’t.

“President Bush had announced that no US federal funding could now be used for any studies of female prostitutes unless there was a signed declaration before the study started that they would abandon their profession forthwith.”


Yes, he did. By no means was his effort perfect, but his work in Africa did a lot of good.


Not from me.

Oh, I’d say he was a monster being carefully marketed as a guy you could have a beer with. He picked up the fake TX accent after he lost his first election in TX, and once his term was over he sold his show ranch with the fake baseball hat rack and regular joe BS and went to live in a big mansion in a tony neighborhood in Dallas since he didn’t have to lie about who he was any more. But even before the election he was mocking people he was denying stays of executions for and executing more people than any governor since without even a hint of any moral conflict over it. Then he got into office and widened the scope of human suffering and people he was responsible for killing around the globe again with not even a hint of concern. The guy has the moral compass of Kissinger without the intellect to rationalize his brutality.


You think Africa would have been better off if Bush had just continued treating the continent like Clinton did?

The criticisms of his program are valid, but the net result was a good one.


Did I mention Clinton?

“Less catastrophic” ≠ “good”.




So he made things better. That’s all I was after.

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You were going to get attacked.


Doing some good on up one of the six inhabited continents is lovely (excluding Antarctica, since presidents don’t really do that much Antarctica-wise). Then there’s the other five where his influence was almost entirely a net negative.


Michelle is thinking, “People voted for this guy? TWICE?”


Well, one and a half times.

BTW, during the Bush/Gore campaign, the view from notAmerica was roughly along the lines of “surely not even Americans would be so stupid as to elect someone who is that blatantly, dangerously unfit for the job? There’s no chance he’ll win.”

Hence the international concern re: Donald.


Unless the chorea-like disorder was somehow responsible for all of the blood on Bush’s hands, I can’t get that sad actually.

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Bu you see Al Gore wore a brown suit. Also Gore was too “wonky.” Being well informed is unpresidential, you see. More important was the critical criteria of wanting to drink a beer with a president. Also one of Gore’s most significant accomplishments (his role in ensuring a publicly available internet) was spun into a lie about him about him inventing it that somehow stuck around. Also some people imagined we lived in a parliamentary democracy or something where voting for Nader who couldn’t possibly win, rather than preventing a corrupt, dim-witted, sociopathic troglodyte from winning, seemed like a great idea to some people. Also the economy which wasn’t bad, was somehow still bad, since there were imaginary dashboard lights. And the election was really a personality contest, a magic referendum, or anything besides the selection of an executive. It was the dumbest, most aggravating, most horrifying thing to watch.

There are some shades of the Gore vs. Bush election coming along, and it’s utterly horrifying to watch. There is the sense of confusion where the election is supposed to be about something besides checking the box next to the option you’re given, though on the plus side there’s no Nader. On the down side, there are a whole lot of people who are magically incapable of even rudimentary judgments of the suitability of two candidates where one’s somewhat troubling, while another is mind-bogglingly, staggeringly, almost incomprehensibly unfit for office in literally every sense.