Fox News cuts away from Kayleigh McEnany mid-lie about Trump election fraud

Unless the Trump News Network airs the kind of right-wing crazy that even Fox wouldn’t touch. Then we’re all losers. (And you know that they would. They’d go full Qanon inside a year.)

Oh, what’s coming is going to be so much worse than the Tea Party. Qanon will be in the mix.

Yeah, it does feel like even Fox (or at least portions of it) have hit their limits. Which is weird because the Republican party is happy to undermine democracy, still. Though I think a lot of them are too dumb to realize what they’re doing. I’m reading a lot of quotes from Republican congressmen who think they’re just humoring Trump and “what harm can it do?”


So, based on the latest total population estimate of 331 million, that would mean Trump received votes from 21.5% of all Americans. Even if you assumed that every single person who didn’t or couldn’t vote doesn’t support him, that’s a depressingly high number.


neither is antifa.

i was curious about that photo, so some context.

while a frightening 20,000 attended that march as many as five times that number directly opposed it. also the american nazi leader went to jail not long after… wait for it… on tax evasion and other financial crimes

let’s hope history rhymes on that last bit this time


it is. but a lot less so than nearly half. less even than the percentage who believe that humans have existed in their present form since the beginning of time.

the main point for me is the right has cornered the market on elections and electioneering even to some extent “news” ( re: fox’s popularity ). it’s depressing, yes. but it doesn’t truly represent america.


Yes, but by your logic you could have an election with more typical levels of turnout (say 50% of the voting age population, as we had in the year 2000) then you could have an overwhelming victory for a fascist candidate winning more than 90% of the vote, and still make the claim that “that’s not who we are” because the candidate received votes from less than half of the total population. Not a useful measure in my mind because no candidate, good or bad, is likely to ever receive enough votes to get anywhere near 50% the total population when you include non-voters.


totally true. trying to keep the hope alive, id say the remedies are things like universal mail in voting, and if possible, abolish the electoral college.

washington and oregon were above 80% voter turnout. so when you remove the barriers, people vote. and then the country’s politics become more representative of the people.

we shouldn’t be satisfied with having so many facists and racists granted. part of that fight is getting the politics to represent the people so that political leaders can’t help spread the infection through their rhetoric and their law making powers.

policy influences people.


At the risk of being pedantic, 70 million is approximately 33.5% (still far far to high) of Americans over the age of 18 and, while millions of the remaining 139 million have been disenfranchised, they are still Americans.


Great. America is slightly less Nazi than I stated. I stand corrected.


It’s still awful. One Nazi is too many. Ordinarily I wouldn’t fact check the percentages of evil, but I think it matters in this case. One way that fascists endeavor to disillusion potential voters with democracy is by promulgating the idea that everyone having a say is the greater danger, that democracy is only ever a razor’s edge from the enemy taking over. But the problem isn’t that every gets a vote, the problem is that not everyone gets a vote and some who do still don’t exercise it. Or, in the words of the kumquat-faced loser, “They had things, levels of voting that if you’d ever agreed to it, you’d never have a Republican elected in this country again.”

Obviously that’s not the point you were making, and the I agree with the point you were making. It has been firmly established that a large minority of Americans are white supremacists. As @gracchus said earlier, Nazis who joined the NSDAP for convenience or false promises were still Nazis.

Nonetheless, I feel it’s important to fact check ourselves lest we inadvertently give the impression that democracy is the greater danger.

I do apologize if I did so insensitively.


I live in a state that voted heavily for Trump; although the urban centers (where I live) went heavily for Biden. Having 50%+ of the people vote for Trump most certainly does not make him right; having 50%+ of the people in my gerrymandered district vote for a fraudulent used car salesman who switched to snake oil and hate certainly doesn’t make him right. People in my state re-elected a man who was arrested and awaiting trial for misconduct related to accepting bribes in exchange for passing a new law, which hasn’t been stricken down.

People really are that hateful, that stupid, that horrible. And a shit ton of them are.

There is no magic about getting a majority of people that will make sure that the decision is a good one. Since March, we have seen that people are idiotic, short sighted, instant gratification people who cannot make decisions to benefit their future, even with death on the line; they are selfish and only care about themselves, right in the moment. Other people aren’t their problem; and their future self is their future self’s problem.

I really don’t know if democracy can survive this adjunct stupidity. I don’t know if it should.

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I do, because the one thing I trust less than a majority reigned in by constitutional protections is handing government over to whoever happens to be in power when the American people decide they don’t deserve a majority reigned in by constitutional protections.

That said, I want ranked choice, abolishment of the electoral college and statehood for DC and PR if they so choose.


Who has taken over Neil Cavuto’s body? This guy is the most partisan hack that Fox can produce and he is criticizing Trump? I think this is a Invasion of the Body Snatchers moment:

If you have a go-bag, now is the time to use it and wait all this out in your bunker.


Will this make it easier or harder to apprehend the next “Oklahoma City”-style bomber before it’s too late?

On wingnut right, it’s like the Nine Circles of Hell, only intersecting.


How the hell is she not burned by that crucifix hanging around her neck.


I remember McEnany’s first presser, and she promised she would never lie, and everyone had a soft little chuckle at her funny little joke.


Trump’s antics will be less riveting when they are not combined with executive power

He’ll end up like Glenn Beck maybe


But it’s also not “half the country” as people often exclaim.



Oh My Gawd! kay-leee mc-a-ninny!</valley girl>