French actress strips nude on stage at film awards show in protest

In the classical biz there was concern that even if musicians are sustained financially, that there would be a tragic loss of, well it’s hard to say how to call it, but performing as one big organism at a crazy high level is a skill that has to be continually honed, or like any other skill it atrophies. People were worried that storied ensembles would lose what makes them special, and that’s a permanent loss of culture. I don’t think that is being born out, but that was the idea.

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I was more by the close proximity of the seated guests not to mention those that weren’t wearing a mask properly or at all.

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A soprano lives in the apartment next to mine and the opera here hasn’t performed live since pre-covid so she sings at home. I hear muted opera singing as she practices most nights after I’ve gone to bed. For me at least its been quite enjoyable


I had an opera singer neighbor for a while in NYC who practiced at home. I loved it (and it wasn’t that often back then), but from what I could tell other neighbors were, um, less enthusiastic. (“Shut the fuck up!”, etc.)

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I love how the band strikes up a song as he runs away.


He’s someone I like to point to to say, unlike what some people seem to think, you can be nice and a great artist. Doesn’t matter what level of ensemble, I’ve noticed he makes a point of making eye contact with, AFAIKT, almost every musician on stage. People remember that, because too many others just strut in and act imperious.


OK but still not sure how that problem relates to cinema as this woman seems to suggest. Keeping movie theaters closed does great economic harm to the theater owners and employees, but if we can provide those people with a financial bridge until after the pandemic then surely the ushers and concession stand workers will be able to get back up to speed without too much trouble?


Thanks for the smug feeling I’m living with no government!


Oh of course just riffing on a different angle that I had noticed from Europe, I guess it was actually more of a reply to the idea that no one would care as long as people are being sustained.


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