Fuck Elon Musk (Part 1)

I was all set to say this is what anti-SLAPP laws are for, but Whoopi appears to be in NJ, and NJ has no anti-SLAPP law and NY (where I’m guessing The View is filmed?) has a very narrow one.

my only issue with that person’s point is that elon is not worth billions of dollars. he has access to billions of dollars, and that’s quite different

in fact, based on his overall look of wear and tear, i’d bet his actual worth is slightly south the $5000 for a typical human body


Who was it that had the quote about needing to be really rich to get that in debt?

Musk’s actual valuation is a really interesting conundrum. On the one hand, unlike, say, Trump, he has a lot of very real assets he can point to besides whatever leveraging situation he has going on. But like many in the billionaire class, it’s seriously illiquid. And attempting to increase liquidity would probably destroy value in the illiquid assets.

It always seems to break down and balance out to the point where we’re just collectively letting a few assholes play pretend.


If kidnappers wanted ransom, would anyone pay?


The Ransom of Red Chief.


The Muskadins would try to crowdfund it, and EM will give them no thanks for it and possibly publicly insult them.

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Twitter racists are getting lazier these days :sweat_smile:

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I fucked up and broke a bunch of shit, now give me money to use the site in the only usable way the past few days


the switch to the revamped program will reportedly begin this week and be mandatory for all users, during which time saved searches, lists, and columns will be ported over

one bridge for sale. slightly used.

Moving Pictures Bridge GIF


At this rate, is twitter going to be around in 30 days?

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Depends on how badly Taylor Swift’s new album will tax their servers :rofl:




“I broke my wookie international communications company and all its technologies from the infrastructure up to the browser JS!”

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Musk needs to do something to regain his title as champion of moving fast and breaking things, after Stockton Rush put in such a memorable performance.


Good news you now have another shortform option coming up.

So you can choose to stay on Elon’s folly, or use the site ran by the company famous because of racist old people comment threads with Minions memes and a photo sharing site used by vain famous people who set their comments off since 2019, the semi-knock off of twitter (that might steal artists’ work to feed into an AI) ran by the original guy behind twitter who at one time thought Elon is a genius, the elephant themed mobile usenet rooms that most modern users of the internet would be perplexed on how to actually use or you can use Hive Social once that company figures it’s shit out with the behind the scenes legal drama and how to get it on other platforms (and get people to remember it exists).

Elon Musk Really Broke Twitter This Time


I can’t view any tweets now?

Episode 2 Whatever GIF


In brazil, we had several examples of hoaxes where many users used exactly the same texts.
It started at the beginning of the pandemic and also had several occurrences close to the elections last year.
Some people reported that it was a misconfiguration of a bot network, but it happened too many times to justify a simple mistake.

The first one was kind of too absurd, because several users were reporting that the cousin of the doorman of the building where they lived had died due a truck tire explosion, but registered as a covid death, inflating (sorry for the pun) the stats to make it looks more serious than it really was.
The memes afterwards were great.