Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

It was ketchup.


Tesla confirms Cybertruck’s range extender has to be mounted by service


Oh no! Somebody shot the hamberder. The monster!


Tesla has confirmed that the Cybertruck’s upcoming range extender. a battery that sits in the pickup truck’s bed, will have to be mounted and removed by Tesla’s service.


No biggie. It’s not like anyone uses those things as trucks anyway. Hope they have the waterproofing on the boot fixed though.

An add on extra extender on your steely penis extension is absolutely on brand.

Also if this was in Britain it would be accompanied by an article in the nutsack press proclaiming “health and safety gone mad!” But I agree with the article: mad to imagine consumers, particularly gullible ones like Low Poly Truck owners, could be trusted to finish manufacturing their cars at home


Oops, now you’ve done it. Expect a call first thing Monday morning from Steely Dan’s lawyers.



Christ, what a fucking dangerous ugly heartless fuckheaded idiot. :angry:


Guy who wants to make certain people extinct says what?


no idea where he gets that bs. “the natural extension of her philosophy” leads to extinction?!? sure, I dont expect any satisfactory explanation for that from murks, but at least an explanation, regardless how insane and nonsense it might be, right? what the flying fuck?


For all his personal grievances over the “woke mind virus,” Musk is still the CEO of Tesla and an electric-vehicle pioneer. On its face, a second Trump presidency would be bad for companies trying to move the country away from fossil fuels. But on a Tuesday call with Tesla’s investors, Musk’s reasons for his support became crystal clear.

Rather than worrying about society’s move to an all-electric future, Musk is mainly concerned about maintaining Tesla’s dominant position in the EV market. The Inflation Reduction Act, one of President Joe Biden’s defining legislative accomplishments, helped spur legacy carmakers to enter the EV game in earnest. As market competition heated up, Tesla started cutting prices, which turned into an industrywide price war that Tesla isn’t winning. Over the past year, Tesla’s profits have fallen by 45%, and the company’s market share has withered. Kelley Blue Book said that in the second quarter of this year, overall EV sales in the US increased, but Tesla’s share of those sales fell below 50% for the first time in the company’s history. It’s a steep fall, considering Tesla’s share of the EV market used to be as high as 80%. Without a new model to sell (unless you count the Cybertruck for some reason) and facing even more cutthroat competition in China, Tesla is under pressure all over the world.

Musk opened the company’s investor call by saying the wave of competition killing its profits and shrinking its market share would pass, but he didn’t offer any reasoning. When asked if he was worried about Trump repealing the IRA, Musk tipped his hand. He told investors that the move would be “devastating” for Tesla’s competitors but less so for Tesla — in fact, “long term,” he said, it would be good for Tesla. In essence this was an admission that Musk’s best hope is that Trump returns to the White House and dismantles the regulatory regime that has encouraged legacy automakers to enter the EV market. The best thing for Tesla is if US legacy automakers like GM and Ford sit on the sidelines.

The irony is that while Musk may want the IRA gone, Tesla is still raking it in from government tax credits that predate the law.


Billionaires are extinctionists. Each and every one of them is absolutely fine with destroying the world to amass more money. And they think this extinction won’t apply to them. Like death.

Each and every billionaire has had his brains scooped out by money and replaced by greed and yes men telling sir what a genius he is.


It’s like the One Ring. Even if they’re sweet and nice, unlike Musk, threaten their money and privilege and …



Long-term, that should get Grimes full cudstody.

I hope someone has pointed them at the ways you can get the passport emergency reissued if someone is keeping it hostage. I’d like to see the dickhead criminally charged, since that bit of paper isn’t his property, it’s the property of the government, but billionares are above the law.


Is Elon actually pretending to be Christian now? I must have missed that one.


Christianity will perish? You’re not a Christian, Musk, you believe in some simulation programmer and Roko’s basilisk waiting to reward or punish you. That’s the high-tech-bro-who-thinks-he-invented-philosophy discount version of religion. So why would you care whether people keep believing in this specific other religion or not, any more than you care about the promotion of Islam or Hinduism? Or is this maybe a code for some other word you dimly grasp you shouldn’t say here? :unamused:


No need to pretend:


Stand up for what is fair and right


Christianity will perish


Has he even READ the Bible? I did in primary school and it put me off religion for life. It is NOT a guide for what is fair and right, more often than not the polar opposite…

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And yet somehow people have been inspired by it to fight for great causes like equality. Meanwhile the atheism movement in the 2000s declared that it was a chance to be rid of all this old baggage and choose what we want to believe – and somehow what most of the loud ones decided to keep was the same old misogyny and xenophobia, even to the point of Islamophobia in particular. I don’t think there is any point in quarreling over what giant religions theoretically promote when in practice, it always comes down to whether individuals want to make the world better or worse.

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