Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

$120 million is a lot of money but it’s still like 0.2% of what he paid for the stupid company… this is like leaving a gaping hole in the roof of the million-dollar house you just bought because you don’t want to invest $2000 to fix it. It’s not going to take long for the problem to get much worse.


i’m still surprised that it’s lasted this long


You and me both. I was expecting 6 months.






Did he even watch those movies himself?

It certainly wasn’t the resistance oppressing LGBT people in V for Vendetta.


What had originally been a straightforward battle of ideas between anarchy and fascism had been turned into a kind of ham-fisted parable of 9-11 and the war against terror, in which the words anarchy and fascism appear nowhere. I mean, at the time I was thinking: look, if they wanted to protest about George Bush and the way that American society is going since 9-11—which would completely understandable—then why don’t they do what I did back in the 1980s when I didn’t like the way that England was going under Margaret Thatcher, which is to do a story in my own country, that was clearly about events that were happening right then in my own country, and kind of make it obvious that that’s what you’re talking about. It struck me that for Hollywood to make V for Vendetta, it was a way for thwarted and impotent American liberals to feel that they were making some kind of statement about how pissed off they were with the current situation without really risking anything. It’s all set in England, which I think that probably, in most American eyes, is kind of a fairytale kingdom where we still perhaps still have giants. It doesn’t really exist; it might as well be in the Land of Oz for most Americans. So you can get set your political parable in this fantasy environment called England, and then you can vent your spleen against George Bush and the neo- conservatives. Those were my feelings, and I must admit those are completely based upon not having seen the film even once, but having read a certain amount of the screenplay. That was enough.


Royal Society is hardly unused to virulent racist shite supremacists in its membership.

First name that popped into my head was Thomas Huxley.


Elon Musk satisfied the demands and provided a list of shareholders of “X Holding Corp”, who helped the billionaire buy Twitter.
Among them are Petr Aven and Vadim Moshkovich.

Petr Aven is a Russian billionaire, founder of Alfa Group, one of the main wallets for Putin. Aven is one of Putin’s oldest friends. Putin would be in prison instead of becoming president without him. Aven covered for Vladimir Putin in 1992, when he organized an illegal trade in export licenses; he was also present at a meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022, in the beginning of the invasion of Ukraine. He did not express any protest against “SVO” and supported Putin. By the way, he, together with Fridman, is trying to lift sanctions from himself, just yesterday he received another refusal in this matter.
In the purchase of Twitter he is represented by the company “8VC Opportunities Fund II, LP”, where his son Denis works.

Vadim Moshkovich is a sanctioned Russian agricultural billionaire who was a member of the “Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.” In other words, he was officially part of Putin’s inner circle. Moshkovich owns Russia’s largest agricultural holding, Rusagro. Naturally, he was also present at the meeting with Putin on February 24, 2022, and, like Aven, did not express any protest against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
In the purchase of Twitter he is represented by the company “8VC Opportunities Fund II, LP”, where his son Jack (Eugene) works.

Knowing all this, we now understand Elon Musk’s bias. Everyone was wondering how it was possible that Twitter shares (X) were falling, advertisers were breaking contracts, and no one was doing anything. This was direct damage to investors. But everyone failed to take into account the fact that investors needed a platform to promote their narratives, such as: support for Putin and Russia; lobbying for freezing the war in Ukraine; removing the Ukrainian agenda from the top news etc.

It is now clear that all the changes on Twitter that are ruining this wonderful platform are a result of Elon Musk’s collaboration with people like Moshkovich and Aven.


So you’d vote to keep him in?


Only thing I’d vote to keep him in is an airless box.


What have airless boxes ever done to you?


The front trunk of the cybertruck is so easy to break into, even an elementary school student with a 9 volt battery and a few wires can do it



The fact that Musk made the word “frunk” a thing is probably the least irritating thing about him, but it still pisses me off to no end.

It’s still not a thing.




This Putin’s tool needed to have his security clearance revoked and not anywhere near SpaceX and Starlink as a matter of national security.


Elon Musk’s X Is Leaving San Francisco. City Officials Say ‘Good Riddance.’

The company, founded in the city as Twitter, is moving its headquarters to Texas as a shadow of its former self.

How Elon Musk Got Tangled Up in Blue

Twitter Blue, a revamped subscription service that let users buy verified badges, was the first big test for the platform’s new owner. It didn’t go well.



Usually it’s the other way around: people read the Iliad and think “I can really recommend the Odyssey “.

PS - I can only imagine the racist, uneducated, ahistorical, illiterate take he has on it… either. Iliad probably most.