Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)




Elon Musk has called low birth rates “a much bigger risk to civilization than global warming.” They also believe that the biological effects of hormonal birth control and abortion—which Musk has linked to the “crumble” of civilization—coupled with a lack of support for parents and families are driving these decreasing birth rates.

I’m gonna go out on a limb and guess that “providing support for parents and families” isn’t at the top of his funding priorities even though it’s the one problem on that list that has an easy and straightforward solution.


unfortunately “lack of support for parents” in this context probably means teachers who want to “undermine parents” by explaining concepts like colonization, white supremacy, gender, and sexuality :confused:

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I used to think it would be a bad thing if the world is divided like that, and Europeans can’t take part in the rest of the world’s online experience. But at this point: yes, please block us. We’re seeing that social media doesn’t do any good anyway. Just remember that you will have to at least make a good faith effort to hunt down your own stans, who will use VPNs and such to try to stay on your platform.


I have posted some stuff in the world news thread about the conflict between Tesla and the Swedish union organizing Tesla workers. Dagens ETC, an excellent news paper, has interviewed an ex-tesla employee. Here are some snippets from the article:

It’s been a few years since Erik left Tesla. He is in his mid-30s and worked at one of the workshops for just over four years. Erik’s real name is something else, but he has signed a non-disclosure agreement with Tesla, which prevents him from speaking openly. However, he chooses to share his experiences anonymously about the conditions at his former employer.

“First and foremost, it was noticeable that we were working for an American organization. Even though we lived in Sweden, it felt like we were following American work rules,” he says.

Erik reveals that the primary reason that eventually led him to resign was the expectation to work overtime every third month, specifically when quarterly figures needed to be improved.

“Every third month, there was a demand for overtime, including weekends, sometimes up to fourteen days in a row,” he says.

Saying no was not an option.

“The expectation was that you should work. I don’t know how it is now, but back then, the mentality was that you should be happy to work for Tesla.”


“At my current workplace, I can voice concerns about things I’m not satisfied with. But at that time, I didn’t dare,” he says.

Employees were also not offered any wellness benefits, something that Erik says is standard in the industry.

“Workshops usually have good wellness benefits because it’s physically demanding work,” he notes.

For him, it’s evident that Tesla chooses to avoid dealing with unions to maximize profits.

“If they have a union, employees could suddenly make demands. They could demand not to work overtime or not to come to work when sick. That would require Tesla to restructure a lot, and they want to avoid that since it would cost money. If there were a union representative in the workplace, maybe the managers wouldn’t even dare to set such high demands, knowing that there are rules to follow,” he says.

What ultimately led him to resign was the fact that he was about to become a father and felt that continuing at Tesla wouldn’t work. He finds it strange that an employer can choose to bypass collective agreements. Particularly, the fact that a giant like Tesla chooses not to engage in such agreements stands out.

“If Tesla is two years ahead in automotive technology compared to others, which they know they are. If they are ahead in charging networks and electrification. Why should they then lag two generations behind in personnel management?”


I had a query from digital marketing at work about our (my group’s) social media and in particular Twitter. I didn’t know it was still nominally active so I told them that we were deactivating it as it was so irrelevant we forgot about it and Twitter won’t be around in Europe in a year because they don’t have the staff to achieve regulatory compliance and they don’t have the money to hire them.


You would think the response would be an overwhelming, “Oh no, that’s awful! Tesla really needs to fix this. That is not acceptable.” You would also be wrong. There were certainly some people who responded like normal adults, but so many more were just total assholes for no reason. “Maybe your family isn’t ready for automatic doors,” wrote one. Another added, “You think that’s crazy? My kid dropped a cinder block and it did not levitate above his foot. It actually smashed his toe!” Not only that, but many comments expressing sympathy for the kid were downvoted.



‘Recession-resilient’ Tesla misses Q3 expectations, slows Mexico expansion


i know this isn’t exactly on topic, but…


Man, anything to prop up that “self-made” (b/m)illionaire myth bullshit, just like Tr*mp.

All of them received millions from daddy/mommy to pull up their “bootstraps.”


Man Tricked Tesla Into Giving Him 5 Free Cars, Set One on Fire on Lake

A Tesla set ablaze on an icy lake leads to jail time for Vermont man who scammed company out of 5 cars | Morningstar

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Since the first news of the attack on Israel by Hamas, we have seen anecdotal reports from users of X (formerly Twitter) that the platform has become less useful for surfacing verified news and more generally disorienting. Through a novel data collection process we identify highly influential accounts in the Hamas/Israel discourse on X that comprise the most dominant English-language news sources on Twitter for the event. In this Center for an Informed Public rapid research report, we compare these accounts to traditional news sources and find on average they have far fewer subscribers while achieving far greater views, are of more recent popularity, and show a greater posting frequency. Most of the accounts also use video and images frequently, framed in emotional ways. Strikingly, many of these accounts have received prior promotion from X owner Elon Musk, either through direct recommendation or through Musk’s account replying to their content, which may explain some of their dominance of “news twitter.”

With seven accounts racking up a cumulative 1.6 billion tweet views over three days of posts, our analysis points to a new crisis twitter that is faster, more disorienting, and potentially more shaped by Musk himself.


Only 74%? I expected the bad actors to have a much higher proportion, simply because verified is pushed up, so why would they bother with unverified.

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