Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)

No he won’t (donate revenue to Israel/Palestine). He’ll find a loss and bill them both and get a tax break and get a handout from the US government.

That’s how he rolls.


“Elon Musk to donate X revenue. For this exercise, use limits to determine tax breaks as X → 0.”


satire pretty much is.



When someone admits being a serial killer- the authorities should investigate them. Check the basements of all his houses & business properties.


The letter is 404 page…



Elon Musk fights to keep custody battle in Texas, where he’d only have to pay $2,760 a month in child support

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Is Texas absolutely omnifucked or what?

It’s so depressing.

ETA that $2,760 is for three children by the way. Not just the one.


It certainly shows how much he doesn’t care about his kids.



Ben Brody says his life was going fine. He had just finished college, stayed out of trouble, and was prepping for law school. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, Elon Musk used his considerable social media clout to amplify an online mob’s misguided rants accusing the 22-year-old from California of being an undercover agent in a neo-Nazi group.


falsely conclude Brody was an undercover government agent (a “Fed”) planted inside the neo-Nazi group to make them look bad

how is that gonna work?!? you cant make them look more bad as they are; they are NAZIS! for fucks sake!


Is this one of those ‘distinctions without a real difference’ that I often hear about?


Is my point somehow less valid due to that aforementioned distinction?


nnnope. was just my 2 cents. apologies. mean it.

(man, everyone seems so jumpy today; did I miss something?)

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The world is kinda crazy and scary right now, is it not?

It is understandable that many people are on edge.

My apologies in return; I thought you were just trying to be coy, and I have thoroughly hit my limit with that vexatious shit.

Too many dudes here are not trying to have a real conversation, they are just trying to “win.”


“It would be reasonable to conclude that the Defendant Tesla through its CEO and engineers was acutely aware of the problem with the ‘Autopilot’ failing to detect cross traffic,” the judge wrote


The Daily Show Boom GIF

It is hilarious to see Elon and the Elonites whining about this.

From Arbetet:

Postal blockade stops license plates for new Tesla cars

The blockade of the mail to Tesla stops license plates for newly registered cars. No new cars will be able to be delivered. Now the union’s sympathy measures are starting to hit Tesla seriously.


Today 15.08

Ten unions have announced sympathy measures in the conflict between IF Metall and Tesla. And now they are starting to have an effect.

Transport was the first to stop the importation of Tesla cars into Swedish ports starting November 7, and since Friday the blockade applies to all ports.

However, that has not stopped Tesla from getting cars into Sweden. The cars are shipped to other Nordic ports and then they are transported on by car transporters on the roads.

-That the other party finds ways to round off our conflict measures was expected. Now we have to find ways to stop it, says Tommy Wreeth.

Transport is therefore holding discussions with its Nordic colleagues to try to stop the Tesla cars that are shipped to Norway, Denmark and Finland being shipped on to Sweden.

License plates are stopped

But even if the cars continue to roll into Tesla in Sweden, in the long run they will not be able to roll out from the company to the customers.

The cars will not get any Swedish license plates because of the postal blockade that Seko and ST put against Tesla.

-It is positive that it is having an effect, and this will be difficult for Tesla to get around, says Ulrika Nilsson, Seko’s contract secretary.

The Swedish Transport Agency is only allowed to deliver number plates to newly registered cars by post. They can only hire Post Nord and Tesla is also not allowed to collect the signs on their own from the companies that manufacture them, the authority told Dagens Industri.

That the postal blockade would hit so hard was a bit of a stroke of luck for Seko.

-We knew that the number plates are sent by post, but it is difficult to keep track of exactly which packages go with which operator, says Ulrika Nilsson.

Since Monday when the postal blockade went into effect, the signs are not arriving at Tesla. Customers will therefore not be able to pick up their new cars. However, the signs are ordered when the cars leave the factory, so it will take a while before deliveries of new Tesla cars are stopped, Dagens Industri reports.

That the postal blockade stops the license plates has caused Elon Musk to comment on the conflict for the first time. On his own platform X (formerly Twitter) he writes: “This is insane”.

Seko’s Ulrika Nilsson sees it in a different way.

-It is insane not to have a collective agreement in Sweden, she says.

In a written comment to Dagens industri, Tesla writes that the blockade does not immediately affect their ability to deliver cars, but the company is strongly critical of the blockade’s effect.

Tesla: Remarkable action by government agency
“The fact that the Swedish Transport Agency, the state authority responsible for the delivery of all registration plates in Sweden, and Postnord, a state-owned company, contribute in this way to the disproportionate action of Swedish unions is remarkable. It is Tesla’s legal right not to enter into a collective agreement and the Swedish Transport Agency has a legal duty to deliver license plates,” writes Tesla to DI.

If Tesla were to find some way to round off even this sympathy measure, the LO unions are ready to expand their sympathy measures, according to several unions that Arbetet spoke to.

Transport chairman Tommy Wreeth states that his own association has many opportunities to increase the pressure on Tesla if necessary.

-We have truck traffic, we have cleaning, we have security and other things. Sure as hell it is possible to increase the pressure. We can introduce measures that hit hard, he says.

He adds that it is also important that the measures hit the right spot so that they primarily affect Tesla and do not cause too many problems for ordinary people, even if it will be difficult to keep third parties completely out.

-We have ideas and the day the time comes and IF Metall needs additional support, we will be ready.


The highly regarded journalist and columnist Peter Kadhammar who writes for the tabloid Aftonbladet has written a column well worth reading. And first of all, in Sweden the tabloids have a lot of very serious and good journalists. They ususally combine serious journalism and high brow culture pages (opera, theatre, litterature) with celebrity news and storys about crime and sex.
Sadly the dry sarcasm that is so stylistically elegant in Swedish doesn’t translate that well to english, at least in a machine translation.

Two quotes and a link to the machine translation:

IF Metall is trying to force the choleric, bully, tyrant and so on Elon Musk to sign a collective agreement through a strike.

He has never encountered such resistance before. It must be a shock. This is about basic conditions, not about a bank loan to save a company, defeating slow bureaucracy or convincing an uncomprehending board about which way the company should take.

Among other things, Musk owns Tesla, the space company Space X and X, formerly Twitter. He is the most important entrepreneur of our time. He has single-handedly reshaped the automotive industry, the space industry and is a pioneer in connecting - literally connecting - human and computer.

He is a genius who made historic contributions for a better world.

Walter Isaacson’s biography of Elon Musk has recently been published in Swedish by the publisher Fri Tanke. It’s 750 pages of fascinating reading. Isaacson followed Musk for two years, sitting in on meetings, reading text messages, interviewing friends, family, colleagues and enemies.

Some examples from the book:

In the name of efficiency, Musk wanted to reduce safety in cars and in the factory. Objections were not tolerated. “Tesla’s occupational injury rate was 30 percent higher than in the rest of the industry.”

"In addition to getting revenge and saving some money, Musk was driven by the strategic cunning of the whole thing," writes Walter Isaacson.

Kicking and ruining people for fun, then. Or baselessly call someone a “pedophile” in front of his 160 million followers on Twitter, now X. Which happened to an English academic who criticized Musk.

This man is leading the world towards the future and at the same time wants to force us back to the 19th century, not in terms of the human-machine relationship but in terms of the human-human relationship.

Therefore, he refuses to sign a collective agreement in Sweden. Security, co-determination or common decency are nothing for the superman who will change the world and colonize Mars.

But without security, co-determination and honest agreements, we become just masters and servants, albeit in electric cars and with fast computers. Collective agreements are modernity, which Elon Musk is learning in Sweden.

With its strike, IF Metall ensures that we stay on course towards the future.

Shock for Elon Musk and Tesla to meet IF Metall (www-aftonbladet-se.translate.goog)


I guess stuff like the following has to be read in a very sarcastic tone?
