Fuck Elon Musk (Part 2)


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Try Me Carl Weathers GIF by Disney+


Yeah… good luck with all that, bigot.


In her posts, she questioned the effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccines, blamed the Biden administration for the deaths of vaccinated people, claimed Jeffrey Epstein didn’t kill himself and added “boop/bop/beep” as her pronouns.

That last one might have been mildly funny in a Twitter account created for an astromech droid. In any other context it’s not just hateful but an incredibly lazy attempt at humor.

If she’s got a billionaire benefactor and fellow far-right conspiracy nuts like Shapiro to give her work then why the hell does she need Disney anyway? They company hates her and she hates them.




Disney movies make lots of money and hers… don’t?


Her new benefactor Elon has more money than the poorest billions of people on the planet put together. If he’s really concerned about her financial wellbeing he can take care of that all on his own.

I think the real issue is that she, like Elon, desperately wants to be loved and can’t stand the idea of living in a world where people call her out for the bigot she is.


Specifically the droid that wrote this song, which is on the playlist at the cantina at Star Wars Land:

But definitely the same style of “humor” that Musk goes for. Hasn’t he basically made the same “joke” with his own pronouns already?

Edit to add: oh yeah, he tweeted that his pronouns were “Prosecute/Fauci” a couple years ago.


Enough to go toe to toe with Disney and Lucas in court, though? Especially when they can likely prove Carano was fired for cause?

That’s what I am doubtful about.

I agree that they both are desperate for attention, by any means possible.


Any means except being nice to people, of course. That actually works well – Cararo would probably still have a part on one of the most beloved Star Wars shows, for instance, and Musk could easily be thought of as the savior of Flint – but for some reason these terfs never think of it.


What makes Carano’s transphobic remarks worse is that her costar’s sister is trans, and Pedro Pascal had been vocally supportive of her and other trans people. Insulting your costar’s family is never a smart move.


Entitled narcissists who think the world revolves around them and that they are owed automatic admiration and respect? It’s literally inconceivable to such people.


When you say “what makes Carano’s transphobic remarks worse” did you mean worse that Musk’s transphobic remarks? Because he has a trans daughter.

But repeately and publicly making transphobic remarks is pretty bad whether you’re personally acquainted with or related to any trans folks or not.


No, I meant worse (for her) than if she were just some random actor making a comment like that. Pissing off the star of the show you’re a supporting character on is the definition of a career limiting move.


Point taken, it was a terrible idea for multiple reasons including morally and for her own self interest.

But I have to point out that even though the show was named after Pascal’s character he wasn’t the star. Everyone on that show, including him, was just a supporting character for that lovable little green puppet.


Pretty much the definition of a hostile work environment.

I think he was the star & she was just a supporting character.


Well…yeah, it turned out that way, although I don’t think that was the original plan.


How do we know that the title of the show wasn’t referring to Grogu?

For her it’s about hurting Disney, I suppose. They hurt her, so she’s hurting them back. And maybe if they can cast her again (is she trying to get shoehorned into The Mandalorian movie?), other big name, well paying studios might cast her again.

For Musk it’s about putting Disney and other businesses on notice. He desperately needs his “free speech” platform to also be free of consequences to keep people (the terrible ones) posting and viewing content to inch the thing ever so much closer to profitability.