Not sure why the WaPo published this garbage. Thiessen has always been a complete shit, going back to his days as a supporter of GWB’s torture program.
Critical theory thus helped spawn totalitarian ideologies in the 20th century such as Marxism and Nazism, which taught that all human relationships are relationships of power between an oppressor class and an oppressed class. For the Marxists, the bourgeoisie were the oppressors. For the Nazis, the Jews were the oppressors. And today, in 21st century America, critical race theory teaches that Whites are the oppressors.
Sitting in the terminal waiting for my return flight and looking at a guy in the next gate over. He’s about 6’5”, maskless, and wearing a shirt that reads “Lions, Not Sheep,” which seems to be a clothing brand. His two companions are maskless as well. Not sure why airport security hasn’t done anything. That should be an interesting flight.
Was going to point this out. Male lions,while larger, don’t cooperate hunt the way a female pride will do therefore are much less efficient. Their strength is a one on one fight so they kill each other a lot. They are driven out of the pride when they become old enough to be untrustworthy, adolescence I think, and are not tolerated near the pride unless the lionesses are in heat. They follow round and scavenge carrion left behind by the pride.
Male lions are a really shitty male role model.
Thinking about it rams are probably more up their street, but let’s not go there.
I think he retired, to be replaced by Pollution. Which means he missed out on Covid-19, which seems to be a bit unfair. I posted the NPR version of this over in Climate Change, but there are many places a good biblical apocalypse can go nowadays.