Fuck Today, Continued

So that this weird guy can come around, gather all those bags and mulch his ridiculously spoiled garden! (And then reuse the bags so we pretty much never buy garbage bags.) It ain’t real pretty, but it works!


Me Too Samesies GIF


Our neighbors still complain if any of our leaves touch their property. (Sometimes I want to tell the neighbors on either side of us to fuck off, but then I remember that I rather like the fussbudgets.)

I grew up in Central California and my dad used to wait until every single leaf fell off our three huge ash trees in our front yard. Every inch of our yard was covered with leaves. Since it never gets windy or breezy in this location, we never had to worry about neighbors or clogged drains/sewers. It was wonderful.


Yep. I get glares. And more leaf blower action, putting them back on my side. Ugh.


Or a good acorn year, if you use them as food. :thinking: We have foodie neighbours who process (dry, crack, grind, leach) their acorns.


are a squirrel.


Great for the squirrels (or your neighbors!), not so great for my sanity!

thunk, thunk, thunk


Our neighbors have a black walnut tree growing over their firewood lean-to. Metal roof. Big honking walnuts. THUNK THUNK THUNK. My wife thought it was gunfire one point.


More than 80% of students who responded to the survey reported hearing negative comments about LGBTQ+ parents or their own parents in particular during the 2021-2022 school year, while over 68% said they were discouraged by school staff from talking about their parents.

One unnamed student cited in the report said they were mocked and excluded for revealing that they have two moms during a classroom activity that involved sharing information about their family. “The students made fun of me, and the teacher told me that I couldn’t participate in this activity anymore because I ‘spread propaganda,’” they said.

The study also found that around two-thirds of respondents reported experiencing verbal harassment because they have LGBTQ+ parents, with nearly 65% experiencing physical harassment, like shoving and pushing. In addition, 62% of students said they were physically assaulted at some point during the school year, having reported being kicked, punched, or injured with a weapon for having LGBTQ+ parents.

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Domestic Violence has one of the strongest associations with mass shootings. But yeah, let’s make sure they can get guns. I know the ruling is not in yet, but I can’t see this court ruling against the gun nuts. I hope I am wrong about that. Pleae, let me be wrong…

prayer GIF

The gun ban is being challenged by Zackey Rahimi, a Texas drug dealer with a history of violence, who was indicted on charges of illegal gun possession while under a protective order secured by his girlfriend.

This is who they are defending as needing that gun. Yeah, about right.


Oh, the right wing shitheads have not forgotten about them… it’s their kids who are doing the bullying, of course. Those rotten little apples don’t fall far from the disgusting tree. They want these entire families to feel alienated and afraid…


More on that…

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No one noticed that there were windows not there? This seems like a rather large oversite.

Edit cause too early, not enough coffee


That’s a lot of cookies! And a totally crap thing to do.

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Cowling look loose on an engine? Say something!

Engine fan blades look like they were hit by a cannon ball? Say something!

Leading edge of the wing have a seagull-size cut-out? Say something!

In that last case we had been deplaned because of an “alarming maintenance problem”. I wandered over to the guy with the FAA badge, just to ask. He said that usually the alarm is just a passenger who doesn’t know what flaps are on a wing and thinks something is hanging off. It turned out the person who spotted the bird strike hole, into which ground crew were sticking whole arms to extract carcass, was an aerospace engineer.

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