Fuck Today, Continued

Yes, definitely when someone has spent the inordinate amount of time and effort it takes to do some elaborate world-building and spin it into multiple novels in the often-vain hope someone else might be interested, you should assume they simply don’t value fans rather than have some actual trouble pulling it all to a proper conclusion. After all, we all know most people only become authors for the money. :unamused:


Yeah, getting rich as a novelist is about as likely as an aspiring athlete making it to the NFL. I used to have an acquaintance who was a novelist. She wrote romance books under three different names, because in romance genre fiction, readers become very loyal not only to authors, but to subgenres, and if a writer tries to branch out to different subgenres or genres, the readers get upset. So she wrote under two different names for specific romance subgenres she knew would sell reasonably well, and then under her real name for things she actually wanted to write, and she still had to have a day job to actually support herself.


He is 75. He might have some health problems.


By this time it is obvious that GOT is wildly popular. Martin was also very well compensated for the adaptions. This isn’t some mid list author, even a popular one like Bujold or Wells-GOT is one of the most popular series out there. And I’ve been told so many times now that ”GRRM is not my bi***” that the very idea that fan expectations have any effect on his working habits is laughable.

i appreciate the extra context. that wasn’t obvious from the video itself.

i still do think the airline has a responsibility here. the stairs are not something that’d be safe carrying something as awkward as a wheelchair down. ( really anything heavy and large. ) an elevator or assisted conveyor would be the right options. not those stairs, or the slide.

Of course the airline has responsibility. I even said their response was unacceptable. But the bullshittiness of the job (I worked at Walmart, I have experience with bullshit, designed to fail jobs) does not excuse what those workers did. It’s despicable behavior.

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A Tesla?


Musk is the wrong kind of terrorist. Which is not confirmed- but they’re looking at it.


Meh… I think that’s still down to the producers more than anyone else. The show really starts go derail a bit once they were untethered from the book material with only some marginal guidance from Martin on where he hoped to go with the ending.


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv



Follow up from the MOVE bombing - PENN’s extremely disrespectful actions.


There is also the possibility of depression. As someone who has chronic depression, nothing makes me more angry than folks who ignore that and claim depressed folks are simply being lazy.

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Busy day.

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Was considering posting that on the White Culture (I do have a thread started) I wouldn’t post the IT though, too much of an anti trans site. Also makes the NYT look good for bothsideriam.

ETA the journal has younger workers and tends to be less annoying. It has comments though so ignore them of course.


Thanks for the tip. Deleted.


They have columnists who Just Ask Questions and another who sues people so their Twitter has posts deleted and statements saying that he isn’t and never was a transphobe (he is and was and it’s is shocking the guy is an internationally successful writer given that I literally know nobody who has read him. But then my friends don’t read the Irish Times).