Fuck Today, Continued

More than 60 migrants feared drowned off Libya, IOM says

Biden was leaving the building that houses his campaign headquarters, where he and first lady Dr. Jill Biden reportedly had dinner with staffers, and had stopped to answer questions from reporters when a loud noise startled those gathered outside.

The sedan crashed into an SUV that was being used to block off the intersections near the building as the motorcade prepared for the president’s departure. After the crash, the driver continued to try and push his vehicle past the blockade into the closed-off intersection but was quickly surrounded the car with weapons drawn, instructing the driver to put his hands up.

Biden paused and looked over toward the sound, surprised, before he was ushered into the vehicle, where his wife was already seated, before being driven swiftly back to their home. His schedule was otherwise unaffected by the incident.


Question is whether it was just a random asshole who was mad about the street being obstructed and decided to try and ram through it in a rage or if it was a more targeted MAGA-inspired asshole who knew it was the presidential motorcade and decided to ram it for Trump?


Just drunk, apparently.


Yep… glad it’s just a normal dumb thing rather than some crazy right wing dumb thing.


It really does make a refreshing change for it to be normal quotidian stupid, not the special supercharged stupid we’ve been seeing so much of.


No, Antifa got the guy drunk and drove his car into the SUV via remote control in a false-flag operation.

Am I doing this right?

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Rescuers brave freezing temperatures as China quake kills 100

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Not just during huge storms, either

The team found that even before and after Larry, tens of thousands of microplastics fell per square meter of land per day. But when the hurricane hit, that figure spiked up to 113,000. “We found a lot of microplastics deposited during the peak of the hurricane,” says Ryan, “but also, overall deposition was relatively high compared to previous studies.” These studies were done during normal conditions, but in more remote locations, she says.

We are rapidly degrading our environment, and there ain’t another one.


Maybe the plan for this was in Hillary’s email that was found on Hunter’s laptop?

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I confess to being conflicted on this one. On the one hand, binary, yes-no questions are, by their very nature, oversimplifying. On the other, I could see this difference in data collection being used to further marginalize an already marginalized group. As I am neither a statistician nor a member of this community (at least not yet…) I am not feeling the need to come down on one side or the other. My gut feeling is that this concern is not so much for the information itself, but how it will be used. And, truly, our government has earned a remarkable lack of faith in its ability to do so correctly and meaningfully, free of political bias.


oh good: drm for broadcast television

Then Koester changes channels and points out a problem that’s bedeviled many NextGen early adopters. Some stations are encrypted… “If you try to tune in… we get unable to play channel; content protection required.”

Anne Schelle with the broadcasters group says this content protection is needed to prevent people from copying shows and illegally distributing them online.

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Terrible. :cry: It reminded me of another tragedy experienced by that news team:


Don’t use rat poison!

Now they want to leave a refund / coverage of vet bills at the host’s discretion. The host has not responded to my messages about this situation.

I had to explain to Airbnb Support that postmortem exams generally take longer than 72 hours. I guess if your loved one dies mysteriously at an Airbnb, you’re out of luck!

Please share this post if you can. Tag Airbnb and local Airbnb megahost (33 properties!) Cheryl LaTray demanding that they remedy this tragedy and ensure that pet-friendly properties are truly pet friendly.



“ The ruling makes Simmons eligible for up to $175,000 in compensation from the state for wrongful conviction and opens the door for a federal lawsuit against Oklahoma City and law enforcement involved in Simmons’ arrest and conviction, defense attorney Joe Norwood said Wednesday.

Compensation, though, is likely years away, Norwood said and Simmons is currently living on donations while undergoing treatment for cancer that was detected after his release from prison.”


Mad Tommy Wiseau GIF by The Room