Fuck Today, Continued

Vanderbilt threw this nurse right under the bus. Overworked and exhausted, she made a terrible mistake and Vanderbilt refused to stand by her.


I’m worried what that will do the healthcare system. It’s already bad enough being a nurse - overworked, underpaid (in many places, I know it pays well in other situations), treated like crap by both patients and administration. Now being criminally charged if you make a mistake while dealing with all of that? You’d have to be insane to go into nursing these days, and it’s gonna make some serious problems for the healthcare system.


A mistake that, from what I understand about the medication involved, should have never been possible in the first place. As in, the consequences of using that med are so high, it should not have even been in a computer/electronic pharmacy. It should have only been available from the full pharmacy. Vanderbilt and the company that made the machine should be the ones paying the consequences.


Vecuronium is useful in OR’s, ICU’s (when patients have a contoled airway) and in crash carts for emergency intubations (to obtain a controlled airway.) That’s it. The fact that it was in their PYXIS (or whatever their particular unit was called) in radiology is insane. Add to that the system was apparently acting glitchy following an upgrade, so nurses had been instructed to override warnings, and you have a recipe for disaster. She screwed up, she did, and no one, including her, are arguing otherwise, but the system failed her, and pretending that this was solely on her is delusional and dangerous. Because it suggests that everything is hunky-dory, and nothing needs to be changed, just get rid of this “criminal.” To everyone who recognized that pre-covid healthcare in the US was a disaster, i got news for you. Those will be looked back on as “the good old days.”


Kristen Bell Omg GIF by The Good Place

ETA: You can probably guess what I typed in to get the gif, and was so amazed that it came up perfectly that I didn’t notice until too late that her expression is more one of positive wonder rather than the HFS I was thinking of.


even better, their solution to the problem was to increase the number of letters nurses are required to type in order to select a drug from 3 to 5. not to actually fix any of the warnings.


Well and truly fucked.


Because a greatly-weaker-than-expected Russia means we need to spend more. There’s an inadequacy gap that needs to be exploited.


i listened to this yesterday, and it’s just so depressing

they focus on a coal fired power plant in montana that was about to shut down, and all the subsidies paid out to a bitcoin mining company helping it to reopen… with a complicated dependency of the crow nation on the tiniest slice of the profits

whoever invented bitcoin, they sure didn’t like humans


His latest haven’t been gems, but I think we can all agree that getting old sucks.


s reactions share GIF


The agents mark three suspicious depressions in the dirt with red flags and discuss their options for investigating further. One student asks about dowsing rods .

“You want to use some?” replies Arpad Vass, an instructor at the National Forensic Academy in Oak Ridge, Tennessee, where law enforcement officers come to learn how to use science to solve crimes — at least in theory. “ I use them on everything .”

You read that right: Arpad Vass, “forensic instructor,” is handing out divining rods to students hoping to become better crime scene investigators. I wish this were a joke. It is, very sadly, an actual thing that is happening with the blessing of the University of Tennessee

Fact: dowsing for fucking anything has never been endorsed by scientists of forensic experts. In fact, anyone pushing dowsing as a scientific solution for any problem whatsoever is trying to deceive you.

Outside experts I spoke with — professional forensic anthropologists and lawyers, as well as law enforcement officers involved with police training reforms — say they’re alarmed that a leading training program is teaching the pseudoscience of witching.

In particular, some experts are distressed that a Vass trainee recently got witching results admitted as evidence in a Georgia murder trial. This could set a legal precedent and allow witching-based evidence to be used in other cases, says Chris Fabricant, a lead attorney for the Innocence Project, which works to exonerate wrongfully convicted prisoners. “The search for the truth is never advanced through junk science.”


Do we have to primary both Arizona Senators?


Everyone knows that homeopathic dowsing is the only accurate option. Unfortunately it requires consuming small portions of your target to get accurate results. So if you’re looking for dead bodies…


Told You Bloop GIF by The Roku Channel


Not looking forward to headlines 20 years from now about his caretakers swindling all his savings.


I don’t have a news link. I have a friend who is a coroner, and I cannot imagine a job any worse than what she does. She’s currently working on a body found in a nearby river, hands and feet bound with duct tape. A few months ago, she was working on children who had been burned up in a car accident. They were “stuck” together. It’s knifings, overdoses, and all sorts of mayhem, every day. Some bodies are done outside because the smell is so bad they need the air. Still, she makes time to talk to “Girls in Science” classes, and that sort of thing. The last two days have been particularly hard for her. I honestly don’t know how she does it. Fuck that.


It’s difficult but important work she’s doing.