Fuck Today, Continued

Ah, yes, I see the connection now!

So keep it here as a reminder that that things can and do turn out better than might originally seem possible, but maybe post it elsewhere as well as a cheer-up for others.




I like it here as the follow up but it would fit in the Unicorn Chasers too.

I like how it shows the turnaround and that love wins.




Drag Queen Singing Competition GIF by Paramount+


Sadly, with a heavy heart, I have to return us to our “regularly scheduled programming” :frowning:


The suspect was picking up an order through an online food-delivery service and apparently demanded an additional food item that was not part of the order, possibly a milkshake, Small said.

Several other employees were present, Small said. The entire incident was captured on company surveillance video.

The suspect’s name, because he was picking up an actual order, was in the Chick-fil-A’s computer, Small said.

The suspect fired a single shot from a semi-automatic handgun and then fled in a newer-model white Mercedes Benz, Small said. The vehicle’s license plate was captured on the video.

17 yo victim.




Heartless fucks hurting the weak and distressed.


Sandy Hook conspiracy theorist says she’s ‘proud’ to harass families of children who were killed in mass shootings


This would be helpful, if she’d read it and practice it.


“Pretty soon it will be women preachers, social justice, then racism, then [critical race theory], then victimization because the world is a ball and chain, and when you’re hooked, it will take you to the bottom. They hate the truth,” MacArthur said to a crowd that flipped, through the night, between pin-drop silence and cheers of “That’s true!”

Imagine being the nominal leader of one of the largest Christian denominations in the US, and telling your followers to be worried about who speaks the Word of your God, about a push for social justice, about fighting racism, and about being concerned with victims. The absolute disconnect is astounding, but far too common. Imagine being someone who doesn’t just not care about these issues on your own, but actively works to encourage others to ignore, or even fight against, the mitigation of, those issues. The karmic toll is as extensive as it is insane.

Talk about a “spider or some loathsome insect over the fire.” If what’s in the Bible is the Truth (and people like this sometimes make me hope that it is), that dude is gonna find his God’s hand withdrawn, and have a long tumble into the bottomless pit.

Or . . .


How the far-right is turning feminists into fascists

ANALYSIS: The terrifying confluence of anti-trans thinkers, American evangelicals, anti-Semitic conspiracy theorists and global purveyors of dark money poses a much bigger threat than you might realize


Holy shit, that is a terrifying (but very convincing) read. This paragraph:

A 2020 article from Radix Journal , a far-right publication founded by the neo-Nazi Richard Spencer, lays out a strategy for doing just that. In the article, entitled “The TERF to Dissident Right Pipeline,” author Kat S. notes that TERFs’ insistence on “biological sex” as an immutable binary—all “men” depraved and violent, all “women” fragile victims—may make it easier to convince them of other biological hierarchies. Their insistence on seeing trans women as “violent men,” in particular, can be weaponized against men of colour and turned into overt white supremacy. “It doesn’t take any thinking woman long to see exactly which men are committing violent crime and the majority of partner violence, and race realism is a natural next step.”

brought me up short. “It doesn’t take any thinking” pretty much sums it up. Short, easy answers to complex questions are always wrong, but so easy to fall for.


Yeah, not really the way I wanted to start my morning.

Social media, along with the fast paced overworked society, seems to have only heightened that problem. The masses don’t have the time or energy to look into complex issues and anything can be sensationalized in a soundbite or tweet.


Correction… “politically moderate guy on dating app bumble”…


Wow. I can only hope he truly has realized that he was a Nazi asshole and has reformed and reconsidered his many, many mistakes. I will never say that could not happen. But the proof of the pudding, as they say, is in the eating. That said, I smell bullshit here.


Kristen Wiig Yep GIF by Where’d You Go Bernadette

If he’s really reformed, he has an obligation to put in the work at helping to de-nazify others. He cause a lot of damage with his actions.


I suspect we’re all “the masses” to some degree on that one. :thinking:


For some (I’d say a lot, but I’m feeling conciliatory today) of them, it wasn’t that much of a leap into fascism in the first place. They already had an out-group to rail against, a grand overarching theory that blamed all of society’s ills on that out group, a complete disdain for subtlety or any evidence that contradicts the big lie, and an all too enthusiastic zeal for dehumanising anyone that lies in their “bad” category. The ideological foundations of terfism essentially (heh) are fascism.