Furries don't have sex in fursuits

So - a karass - not s granfalloon.


Believe it or not,there are some furs who are straight. I have seen some male and girl couples when i went to pittsburgh furry con one time.


Let me add another welcome and I apologize for not welcoming you sooner.
And the main thing the internet has taught me is that no single person is representative of any group they’re part of.

Basically what I’ve learned is that every sweeping generalization has exceptions. Well, maybe not every one, but most.


The clarifications that should be made are:

  • not all furries wear fursuits. Many never own one. It’s not a prerequisite or the focus of it for lots of people. They’re a big investment and a big commitment. For a long long time they were relatively rare. It’s only since stuff like the CSI episode that furries = people who wear animal costumes.
  • the majority of furries who get a suit just want to take on a new identity for fun, to run around as a character, be silly, and for an hour or so, pretend to be a bunny or a lion or a fox or whatever. Some absolutely have sex in their suits (or maybe with just the head on) but that’s not the default. It’s very much like cosplay, but with a character you invented yourself.

Sure, while demographically it does seem to have a higher percentage of gay furries, it is not identical in a “born this way” sense* but I see it as still involving expression of personal identity. Just my perception of why it may bother people, I suppose.

*I don’t really know how to explain the experiential of persons who felt funny as a kid watching Disney’s Robin Hood, these observations are from someone who knows a few furs and from without, not in-group.

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Well, not only that but with these just plausible enough stories, people will believe more when they’re told it is wrong.

There’s no paucity of asshole who would rather not have their “totally cool guy story” disabused, but you correct in the realistic chance that they’re not the person who gets salty when you give them a Snopes link.

There’s no reaching an asshole, but I’ve certainly changed my beliefs on facts here and there with a minimum of grumbling.

my harddrive says otherwise


Rule 34 of the internet. If it exists,there is porn of it. No exceptions.


The problem is the same as with misinformation programs like DARE. When someone counters an issue with false information, such as “no furries have sex in fur suits” they lose credibility because some furries do. So, if the fact is “most furries don’t” that’s fine, say “most” but don’t say “no”.

(And who could possibly have guessed at this headline would be for a post by Cory…)



I hope someone owns a carpet steamer.


Very much agreed. As soon as someone says “NEVER!”, it comes off as “he doth protest too much” rather than fact.

(And can I just say that the uncorrected version of your post was wonderful, thanks to your autocorrect changing “furries” to “furies” and then “fairies”)


Febreze and Nature’s Miracle work wonders.


I’m sure there are some who dress up as Klingons or such who get it on.


Or wear jeans - it doesn’t make jeans fetishware.


But can they get, uhm, protein stains out of fake fur? Asking for a friend.


Fursuiting is just a innocent hobby. I only fursuit to bring smiles and have pics taken and such.


I can understand why people who fur suit platonically would be annoyed by the false impression that fur suiting is all about sex.


The Oh Joy Sex Toy comic to which this was linked does a bit better job of qualifying the statement. (“… difficult and rare …” etc.) Even there, I think it’s a bit too far into trying to say it does happen, when it might be more accurate to say “Oh no, this never happens … except when it does …” Within furry fandom, most of us actually don’t fursuit, but the range of things which could be considered fursuits is pretty large. The mascot costume type pieces described in the comic are indeed quite expensive, bulky, and not generally something most wearers are going to be getting on for getting off, but I’ve seen other outfits that were a lot lighter, or were basically “ears and a tail with colorful clothing.” No, most furries don’t have sex in fursuits, but there are a few that do, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

I was on staff for Midwest Fur Fest not too long after that episode ran. Even within the community, there were people that were convinced there really was a room somewhere with wild freaky fursuiters having an orgy and they could get an invitation if only they could just find the right person to ask. Some people are certainly special that way.


Thanks for the details. It’s pretty common for a Cory headline to misrepresent a linked article.