"Future Internment Camp" signs pop up across the country

Either you know the score, and you’re scared of what might happen, or you don’t, and you should be.


If this kind of thing makes more people aware of Trump’s enthusiasm for private prisons (i.e., forced labor camps) and “detention centers,” I’m all for it.


In the aftermath of any authoritarian regime, the refrain is always the same: “who could have imagined something that horrific could have happened here?” Which is disingenuous, because of course the artists and writers and comedians are always there in the run-up with the kinds of early warnings we see here.

By the time these measures become normalised and real enough for the more humourless and unimaginative members of civil society to finally be spurred to take action, it is usually too late – often because they’re in the very internment camps they once tut-tutted away as fantastical.


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