I still have some hope for WI… My county is always an island of solid blue in the northern half and right now it is showing pink - I’m hoping that the 50℅ that remain to be counted are from the blue areas
Come on, McMuffin… We need you to take Utah.
No shit, you left it lying around for this country to pick up.
(How do I emoticon wink I’m joking while simultaneously crying?)
Markets are tumbling faster and harder than they did on 9/11.
Johnson is literally responsible for Clinton losing Florida.
Fuck it. The world’s fucked. I don’t need a pension any more.
Well that is good, because it is going bye bye as we speak
On the plus side, Her Highness is sitting on me, being her sweet, regal being, and so I’m merely perturbed rather than deeply distraught. Hug your pets, people.
Looks like gold is up 3.5% already.
To be fair, do you think Johnson supporters would have voted Clinton anyway?
Dear world, there is no such thing as a “protest vote,” you ignorant fucks!
So, Chris Christie for attorney general, Gingrich for Secretary of State, Giuliani for…?
Jaysus. I really hate people.
People may be losing health care if this goes the wrong way. Me and other people like me who only have it because of Obamacare.
Just think of his Supreme Court noms. Dark days ahead for sure if he wins. I just can’t even.
DHS. What better post for the Mayor of 9/11?
It is always interesting how different election coverage is in America. Of course we have it easier with proportional representation and one time zone, but here the networks show their overall best guess the second the polls close. Then that drifts by a percentage point here or there as more data becomes available in the course of the evening. In America they cover the counting process as if it was a race.
I’m so tired of hearing “reset.” Dumb is fucking dumb whatever your motivation.
Well fuck you Florida.