Generic 2016 US Election Cycle Recycling Bin

You say that like it’s a surprise to the likes of @Cowicide. :wink:


Back years ago, when we had a Labour Government in Australia… the Lefties in Power… the Conservatives were polling badly and they changed leaders a few times, trying to find someone who could the public would vote for.

And finally they settled on Tony Abbott. A hard right, union kicking, kind of scary guy.
And the Lefties rejoiced. No one would vote for him. Surely. Someone so un-moderate.

He went on to run a vicious, personal, head kicking campaign, and he won.

All Im saying is that sometimes a maniac has the freedom to do whatever it takes to win.


In fairness, the political left runs without conviction or feck most of the time, almost regardless of country. They tend to run pretty weak campaigns, and when they don’t people sit up and notice. They wouldn’t notice if their competence was dependable. I’ve always felt it was backwards. People on the left should not be delivering messages of hope and change. That universe belongs to the facists, always did. Trump is actually a demonstration of how that works. “Make America Great Again” falls in the same basket as “Hope” and “Yes We Can.” I’d argue they even belong in the same moral sphere. However much they may couch their campaigns in appeals to the traditional, change and upheaval is really what the right aspires to: They hope to bend reality to fit their conception of it, and don’t care if it breaks. The left has a less inherently optimistic message, one of struggle and perspiration. One that is reactive and complex and is not based on certainties where certainty is undeserved. The left brings you moderation while right promises the next gilded age.

I think people sense the dishonesty in most of the optimistic rhetoric from the left. The left often promises long-term solutions that require reevaluation. It’s unfair to look people in the eye and tell them that it will pay off for them to vote for the left in the next four to six years. It’s essentially a lie. Obamacare is really a great example of that lie in the US. That’s a long term project if there ever was one. When I look at it through this lens, through how people interpret the rhetoric, I see why the political left fails so often. They’re using the FedEx slogan, “When it absolutely, positively has to be there overnight.” They should be using the RAF slogan, “Per ardua ad astra.”

I like Bernie. I think that if Hillary runs I’m staying home. But Bernie showed ruth and grace when he shouldn’t have during the debate with Hillary. He doesn’t have to trash her, but he doesn’t have to save her from drowning for the sake of what amounts to a mere platitude in unity.

I’m sorry, I started rambling… to actually address the point you made, I think that serfdom breeds peasant revolts in a way that our complacent democracy doesn’t. I’m not saying that we need to get back to serfdom, but to use an analogy (which I hate to do), sometimes you have to back up a little before you take a running leap forward.


No taxation without perspiration.

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Wow, Fiorina. Wow.


And then there were 13.

Still? Seriously?

Shame. Apart from him wanting to start WW3, I quite liked Graham.


I’m very conflicted about Graham, like I am about John McCain. At times Graham said and stood for the country in ways few did or would. And then he’d take some awful position that I could never understood how he reconciled it.


Hillary goes “nuclear” on encryption and… common sense.



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Doesn’t that depend…

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Damning video of Hillary Clinton parroting Republican warmongering throughout her career.

WARNING. Imagery is NSFW and shows war dead including dead children. Don’t watch it if you don’t want to see what her foreign policies really look like.

You want more war?

Vote for Hillary Clinton and help these POOR people below to get richer:



Maybe if you “forget” that Trump kept the Birther conspiracy going for years you can ignore that “make america great again” is simple dogwhistle racism.

At least the bigots on the left keep race-words in thir hash tags.

Hope and Yes We Can isn’t code for anything, your worldview aside.

Anyone want a political job for life?

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Ben Carson released his tax plan!

Guess what - it’s a flat tax! Plus no capital gains taxes at all! No inheritance tax at all!

You could knock me down with a fucking feather.



You get the feeling Ben Carson and Herman Cain would make great pals…


On the down low?


Give me some good reasons that Trump has appeal among women voters, African-American voters, and Latino voters.

As far as I can tell, he’s doing a HYUUUGE job of alienating those major constituencies who will elect the next President.