Georgia Guidestone update: "Satanic monument struck down by God"

For sure.

And when it’s literally their own description of themselves then I do tend to believe them.


I mean, other Muslims might object, but that’s up to them to hash out…


Seeing as how the vast majority of the Muslim world have made it clear that they do not represent, respect or follow the teachings of Muhammad, I’d say they have as much claim to the title as MTG does to Christianity.


I probably had the same broad parallel come to mind as some others in the thread and I just learned the proper word is Iconoclasm (I personally didn’t know that and kudos to those who do!).

It seems there are a wide variety of examples from all parts of the world and religious affiliations which are too easily distilled down into potentially inflammatory sound bites. The other sad part is that it really strikes me as the same behavior which gives us destructive denial of X, in other words “If I can’t have it, then nobody can”.

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And as a non-Muslim, I still say, that’s not really our place to say.


Self-identity is a bitch, huh?


Religious people blowing up things that they don’t like. Pretty sure that their sky daddy does not approve.


Agreed. Which is why I’m relying on the word of the Muslim people who have been hammered over the head with comparisons to the Taliban and Al Qaeda since 9/11 at least.

To your original point, we miss naming the true source of the issues (misogyny, patriarchy, plain old power and greed, etc) by ascribing shitty people’s motivations to a religion or movement when they can be demonstrated to be shitty people all on their own. This also has the negative consequence of grouping people together that have no overlapping beliefs beyond which prophet’s book they base their faith on. The Taliban may claim to be Muslims and they may well fully believe that they are, but nearly the entire rest of the Muslim world has pretty loudly and roundly rejected them wholeheartedly. I’ll take their word for it.

ETA: I’m not saying any of this to be argumentative, but I come to BBS not just for entertainment, but to sculpt my worldview among peers whose viewpoints I truly respect. A huge part of that is how we check each other’s language. For instance, I’ve really appreciated your insistence of late that radical American theocrats ≠ Taliban because they are distinctly shitty all on their own. It just seems important to keep the same perspective when potentially lumping in other brands of extremism with a faith that is practiced by billions of other humans who do not share their worldview.


Don’t give the jerks any ideas. Unless they work in building demolition.

So, spawns the question, WWJD - What Would Jesus Drive?

Not sure why going the other way with that is okay either. It’s not. It’s about a practice of being a Muslim. It’s not on us to reject or accept them as Muslims, especially since we come from a place with a pretty shitty track record of treating Muslims like human beings. I think avoiding such judgments is best. :woman_shrugging:

I agree. We also dismiss positive actions of people of faith when we dismiss them out of hand. But that’s a generally pretty popular view here, that all religious people, are by definition “delusional”…


A PT Cruiser?

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I’m a bit disappointed in god’s choice of getaway vehicle. I’m also unimpressed with the demolition job. I’d have thought an omnipotent being could scrounge up some more powerful explosives and an omniscient being could figure out where to place them to destroy the whole things in one go. Or, you know. Reduce it to a pile of dust in the blink of an eye.

Kind of uninspiring as far as a deity goes.

I would consider MT Greene a bad Christian, in that she does not really seem to care about any of the principles of that religion. But I am not going to deny her that identification, or to excuse Christianity of people like her as what happens when it goes wrong.


Previous attempts to desecrate of our holy NWO/Luciferian monument: image

The guy bought the land, paid to have the monument built, then gave it all to the county. Big mistake. Because rather than repair it, the remaining stones were dismantled by authorities “for safety reasons.” Aw, gee, it's only damaged, so we better finish the job the terrorists left undone.
So, the terrorists literally win.


I would consider her a bad person. A christian is neither good nor bad. Christian teachings are good or bad, depending on whether the person is good or bad. “Being a christian” (or a “true christian” or a “good christian”) does not mean you are good or perform good acts.

And a good thing too. This is the illusion: if people just followed the religion “correctly”, they/we would be better off? Rigidly adhere to some tenets arbitrarily formulated centuries ago by (invariably) old men of the Iron Age? Why is that even considered?

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This has always made me want to refer to the people who make spiritually-minded art and representations as Iconoblasts.


I’m sick of these right-wingers giving Satan a bad name.

I know Satanists.
Satanists are friends of mine.
And establishment Democrats are not Satanists.


Jesus drives a Christler.


Canonically Jesus is a cyclist.