Georgia Guidestone update: "Satanic monument struck down by God"

After watching the recent John Oliver video on the Guidestones, I have to ask: why do news outlets refer to the stones as “mysterious” and “erected by an anonymous party”? Because it’s apparently just public knowledge who had them placed and for what reason.


Alex Jones

am I sensing a pattern?

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Christians kinda started it. It was once such a big thing that they created a word for the people who did it. We still use the word today, although usually more metaphorically. Iconoclast.

All three “religions of the book” practiced iconoclasm near their very beginnings - off the top of my head I can think of the Golden Calf, Hubal, and the looting of the pagan temples under Constantine (all of which have complicated historiographies). The destruction of cult images as part of a radical religious agenda at least goes back to Egyptian Atenism (1340s BCE).


I could rebuild it for them.

Two double coping blocks, maybe a half block for the cap. Choice of colors.

It’ll only be two feet high, but that’s bigger than Stonehenge.



It is weird to me that the same folks who think this thing is a Satanic device would still strongly support the positions held by the guy who put the stupid thing up. Of course, internal consistency is not a strong suite of these asshats.


For people who believe that ‘prayer is the greatest weapon’ they sure use guns and explosives a fair bit.


Rapidly devolves into an “angels on the head of a pin” argument, or No True Scotsman. As a Christian, it pisses me off to have people like Westboro Baptist claim that title, and I suspect it sits similarly for most Muslims looking at the Taliban. But who is and isn’t is not, IMHO, a judgement I can make.

tl;dr: :person_shrugging:


“Here included is PROOF that in fact it was LIGHTNING aka An Act of GOD that took out the georgia guidestones.”

Um… Christians DO know that we figured out lightning, right? It’s not unexplained magic any more. I can only assume the person who wrote this also accuses anyone who can perform a magic trick of being a witch, cowers under their bed in terror during an eclipse, and thinks COVID is caused by tiny demons with pitchforks.


Little spiky balls, so you were close :wink:


Yes. it is a slim, radicalized minority that likes to pretend that they do not.



Gotta have game balance.

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Fair enough. The word ‘iconoclast’ was coined in reference to Christians, as far as my understanding goes, but you’re absolutely correct that the practice is much older. Which just reinforces the point that it’s not really appropriate to refer to modern Christian extremists engaging in this behavior as the Christian Taliban or similar.

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We saw the last total eclipse at ground zero. It was the location where it was in totality the longest.

We talked about what it must have been like so long ago before science. The temperature dropped significantly and the animals went bonkers (they still don’t know science) and way back when you would have had no idea it was coming or if it would end. Even knowing what was happening the entire place went silent as everyone looked on in awe.

What a time to have lived when everything was new and unexplained compared to now when we do know what causes most things to happen.

Too bad there are still people that don’t accept science. If God really wanted to show his presence he should prevent the next predicted eclipse from happening. That would be awesome, everyone looking to the sky with their special glasses and pin hole cereal boxes and then nothing, just a regular sunlit day with no explanation.

Just keep in mind, that these people we’re laughing at for being whackadoodle are the same ones who are frothing at the mouth with gleeful thoughts of slaughtering the rest of us in the streets.


what i don’t understand is why this isn’t getting major news coverage in all the major media.

a monument in georgia destroyed by christian fundamentalists with the encouragement of a political candidate from one of the two major political parties and it seems to be a non-story.

if hamas had set off an explosion near the temple wall in jerusalem with the encouragement of mansour abbas i bet it would be screamed out from the front pages of every major paper and every news website.


Ye gods this is crazy. The Guidestones clearly have Xtian origin yet these wackadoodles interpret it as satanic. You just know that if the real Stonehenge was here in the U.S., some evangelical nut would blow it up.


Kandiss Taylor

Please tell me she’s related to Marjorie Taylor Green.

Happy I Love You GIF by Looney Tunes

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