Georgia Guidestone update: "Satanic monument struck down by God"

So Republican Kandiss Taylor advocates terrorism. Got it. Hardly surprising.


It’s just as likely that it was struck down by Satan due to unauthorized use of his copyrighted material.

I was reading the Wikipedia article on this.

A compass, clock, and calendar are satanic?

It was designed to withstand catastrophic events, seems like that’s a failure.

A couple of the messages could go either way but mostly harmless. What’s the fear, the world is destroyed and the only survivors or space travelers happen on this insignificant rock and then do what it says creating a new world that respects nature and each other?

Oh the horror.

But the best part was the guy that was contracted to build it didn’t want to so he quoted a ridiculous price that was accepted.

I’ve used the I don’t want to do it pricing a lot, sometimes it’s hard to do with a straight face, it’s awesome when they agree but next time I go even higher.

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Little do the Qanon folks, God-botherers, and assorted conspiracy folks know that there is AN ENTIRE SECRET BASE staffed by lizard people and soul-less clones RIGHT BEHIND THE BAS-RELIEF of Confederate officers on Georgia’s Stone Mountain.

A well-placed explosive charge would crack open the shell and allow some of the Illuminati’s most sinister allies to tumble to their deaths.


I thought that was under a US airport… :thinking:


And then there was this monument that actually was struck by lightning.



yeah yeah we know seth meyers GIF by Late Night with Seth Meyers

Because it’s some weird ass road side attraction in rural GA, so who cares if someone blew it up.

I agree. I’m kind of pissed off about the lack of attention it’s getting.

Not that I know of, just birds of a feather, I think.


That would be like claiming that the Crusaders weren’t Real Christians just because they were murderous pillaging thugs. NO WAIT Tony Blair made just that claim.


God’s physical form is primarily religious texts, which themselves are mostly paper, and as we all know, Paper beats Rock.

Now where did I put those Scissors…?


Um… did you read the parts about controlling breeding stock and force-limiting population size? Much like the bible, there are some warm fuzzy messages, but shit gets real dark right below the surface.

I think this goes to show how far wrapped up in QAnon that Evangelicalism has become. The Christians are reacting to the “utopian” vision of the message on the stones, which to QAnon people reads as “new world order global government cabal etc”. Ten years ago, you would not have found any Christians who were particularly afraid of “The Illuminati”. Now it’s rapidly becoming a pillar of Evangelicalism. QAnon vacuumed up all other conspiracy theories, and now it’s cross-fading into Evangelical Christianity.


I didn’t see any mention of force. How would rocks force or control anything? Will the new inhabitants not have free will?

I could do without the word fitness in the reproduction line but I’m still not sure how a rock would force this.

Clearly those rocks were not surviving a catastrophic event that would destroy civilization so I’m not sure why everyone is worked up over them.

But don’t the people who believe they are are evil have enough confidence in their god to do the guiding?

The whole thing is absurd and just shows how easy it is to manipulate people.

Personally, if the world is destroyed and a new form of life has to start over, I don’t care how it goes. We had our chance, it’s over. It’s not over now, I mean if the current world is destroyed.

Some sort of planet of the apes would be awesome or even some life form that doesn’t resemble humans at all.

Pretty arrogant to belive the next version of civilization will look like us. Or that it would even be civilized.

Of course the word Iconoclasm reminds me of the Iconoclasm and heresy card in the AH boardgame Civilization, and makes me think “somebody is going to lose a bunch of cities.”

I’ll just leave this here. Jefferson Bible - Wikipedia

Naah, a Kenworth


So is it 1734, 1500, 1300, or 1000 quaaludes?

And also, fake news.

The FBI has now given you a receipt for all 500 Quaaludes.

This is the most 70s collection of items imaginable. Like, the kind that would be in a 70s time capsule in a not particularly well-written movie or sitcom.


Sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

And a Peterbilt.

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But then the DEA confiscated all 300 pills.