Girl with approximately 150 "Bunchems" snarled in her hair

I dunno, but velcro was. (Maybe the smaller ones.)


Grew up in FL as a kid. Next time put a trigger warning on :slight_smile:

Although they were not nearly as bad as sand spurs

There was this obnoxious girl in elementary school who would pick a shaft of them and run around and whack people. And they HURT.




We’ve got those here in Texas, and they are awful for humans and animals alike. As bad as cactus glochids and often harder to avoid because the dang grass grows so supine.


Use Wildlife: The song bird, Pyrrhuloxia, eat the seeds.
Warning: Very painful to walk on in bare feet. Burs stick to clothing.
Larval Host: The Grass Family is an essential larval food for most branded skippers and most of the satyrs.
Deer Resistant: High



I have a feeling that they are as useful as mosquitoes. I’d say get rid of both, but I know that mosquitoes are a primary food source for bats, who I don’t want to get rid of. I can’t think of anything sand spurs provide other than pain which is not useful. They are like the fire-ants of the plant world.


Anyone else remember the scene from the Ramona Quimby books?

As for treatment, I probably would’ve gone with a pixie cut, and the daughter gets to dictate her brother’s haircuts for as long as it takes for her hair to grow out. That’ll teach the little bugger!


For some, the somewhat eerie, nagging box art would have served as a warning label



Anybody remember those tops they sold in the 70s that had those – how do I describe this – motors inside you’d build up momentum by quickly rolling the tip along the ground and then setting it free?

Yeah, I had a brilliant “what if?” moment, and stuck it right into my brother’s hair; on purpose.

Anyway, it went about as well as expected.


You nailed it.
As much as the many many scars on my hands, legs, feet will attest, I have kind of made my peace with fire ants, out here (not inside where I live, that’s a totally different deal), because the imported, super-painful, utterly endemic fire ants eat…

  • subterranean termites
  • flea eggs
  • tick eggs

… among other undesirables near one’s dwelling. One year I eradicated mounds near our place (orange oil + molasses + liquid humate = biotic environment unsuitable for fire ant colonies, and as a bonus the mix conditions the soil well and is [I think] OMRI-approved). Within 12 months, after many years of no termites, we definitely had termites, and the countermeasures for treating one’s home for termites is big money.

I shoulda let those dang ants be.



Speaking of spinning parts and injury… A guy at work, got careless and using a milling machine had his hoody and t-shirt pulled off his body and wrap around the bit in the chuck. He was lucky to have the strenght to brace himself as his clothing fabric was sheered off him. Once the bit ripped all the clothing off his torso he was free and shut the machine off.

He was sore and had the red skin welts to show.


I think they had a coil spring in them.

I found an image, but still no brand name. This is not that.



I was thinking of wind up or spiral springs not coil springs (the boring regular kind). Got those mixed up.

Edit: I was also thinking of maybe a different type of toy. Were you talking about something like the old tin tops? Spiral plunger spinning top mechanism - YouTube Think my grandmother had one of those.

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I know about those, too. But what I used on my brother’s hair is exactly what’s in the photo.


Ok, I wasn’t sure what you meant by “This is not that.”

One of these? Wizzer spinning top | Childhood toys, Old toys, Childhood memories

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There we go! Exactly that.

And what made things worse was the force the gyro put on tying up his hair.


maybe some nice lawn darts (aka “Jarts”)

also known to get “stuck in one’s hair”


I love this and all katamari games so much. Highly recommend for people looking for a low stakes game to decompress with.

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That’s certainly one way to level the bad haircut field for the siblings. I would’ve grabbed the clippers if put in that position as a parent, but I also don’t subscribe to prioritizing a girl’s hair.

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That there is called a Wizzzer (Wizzzer - Wikipedia). They came in various shapes and colours, with attachments you could use to do tricks with. I had a bunch of them. They were awesome.