Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds suspended from Twitter after suggesting motorists run down protestors

Rolling cars, setting them on fire are not uncommon in riots. Being in a car surrounded by angry rioters isn’t a safe place. I disagree with Reynolds unqualified call to rundown rioters which I find abhorant, but in the converse, I do think some circumstances justify driving away from imminent danger.


Look, I agree: if some one is cracking through your windshield with a battleaxe or whatever, by all means rev up and get out of there and people around the car be damned. I’m not calling for a failure of common sense, but purely in the context of telling people to run over protesters or rioters out of annoyance, I’m willing to bet that people are beefing up the level of threat as a post-hoc rationalization to defend a dumb tweet. Which is some bullshit.


But, with a reduction in bears, surely that leaves more room for the protestors to surround you?
I don’t think you have thought through this anti-bear strategy.


Carrying a bear along with the bear spray might be prudent. The bear could intimidate the rioters and you could justify using the bear spray on the rioters by claiming you were trying to hit the bear.


There is no lack of bears where we live, and no protesters. But we do travel when it is unavoidable. I suspect that if her car is surrounded by aggressive bears, the protesters would make themselves scarce.

It is not exactly the same situation, but worth a read. from "Jew without a gun"

"Robert’s Rules for Driving Through a Riot

  1. Do not stop for anyone or anything.
  2. Not even to help someone. My first responsibility is to my family.
  3. If rioters try to blockade the car, drive straight through.
  4. If the car stalls, don’t leave the car.
  5. Unless the car is on fire."

Or go for the IF-pology. If any people were offended.


That is some selfish, paranoid shit.


I think it sounds fun. Can I just declare a random traffic jam to be a riot?

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I have read many vile things from my fellow Jews over the years. But that’s in the top (bottom) 20, especially the invocation of that shitty chestnut regarding Third Reich gun control, especially with it being used in that fashion to justify that twisted paranoia.


I linked it not because of the gun message, but because he related his claimed experiences trying to drive his family home during a violent protest.

But aren’t you ever so worried and scared about the efforts of “the left to centralize power”? They’ve almost got it all you know, those crafty leftists, all the power!


Which he tried to dress up in the rhetoric of being a combatant in a war where it was kill or be killed. Yeah, this is not a fellow who I have any degree of respect for, and would happily tell him that to his face.

@milliefink, I am very politely going to ask that you not interact with me on this subject. While I do not agree with the linked fellow’s paranoid ravings, given our past interactions, I would very much appreciate it if you would just… not. Please.


What? I thought that was just snarky, chiming-along agreement with what you wrote. But okay, whatevs, peace out, no more to you from me.


Thank you. Not being snarky, I do honestly appreciate it.


Now where have I heard that before?


Well, if your life was genuinely in danger, I wouldn’t begrudge you doing some dangerous driving to save yourself. Problem is, your belief about the mortal danger posed to you by black-skinned protesters is heavily informed by widespread racist hysteria which dates back to the dreaded retribution of slave rebellions. Meanwhile in real life, those protesters didn’t kill anybody, nor did they even try to.

However, if we want to take seriously the idea that it’s legitimate to run people down simply because you fear they might kill you, then we should definitely endorse running over police officers.


Gee, I don’t know why black people would be angry about clueless white people…



" those protesters didn’t kill anybody, nor did they even try to."

What are you talking about? They knocked a journalist unconscious and tried to dump him into a fire. They were beating the hell out of a guy in a parking garage purely because he was white. They were throwing rocks from a highway overpass onto speeding cars.

If they didn’t kill anyone, it wasn’t for lack of trying.

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