God tells Jim Bakker that Trump is going to win

A malevolent disregard for its meat babies? Thank Cthulhu i don’t believe in such things…


the spoiler/money-shot is around 18:40

This woman claims her friend had a vision a few months ago that “two stars fell and the Earth shook.” She interprets this as atomic bombs. I say it was Bowie and Prince.



Do these idiots really not get that Trump is actually pro-choice, and is only parroting the party line for expediency’s sake? He’s completely out of touch with the anti-choice movement, as we saw when he was asked about whether the mother should be legally punished. It’s all a sham.

Trump isn’t pro-choice; he’s pro-“being able to force my mistresses to abort the bastards”. He doesn’t care whether or not anyone else has access to abortion.


To quote the batshit insane church-lady quoting God:

“Donald Trump is going to be your next president. But if you think your problems are over, they will have just begun.”

This is how fucked up the religious right is. When, even in your delusional revelations, your god is telling you how bad a mistake electing Trump is, and you still don’t understand.


He isn’t dead yet? Damn it, this is the downside to modern medicine.


Yeah? Well god told me Jim B is a chump and he’s pulling his leg.

Jim Bakker’s Ex’s eyebrows just heavyed-in and said the following: 'eff that.

P.S. “God” gives two shits about yer political garbage. Only you care, asshat(s). Most people just care… :wink:

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Also, God told him to stop swearing.

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People who know what “God” thinks are fucking delusional, man.

P.S. There’s a bee in my bonnet:

P.P.S. Oh, no you didn’t? Oh, yes you did…

P.P.P.S. Some fuck-bee on another thread just poked the bear: immediate response: fuck. you. 1) You don’t get to proliferate everywaking communication in society for the last decade and a half with military-speak without spread. You pick when and how? Pffffft; 2) Every single American sacrifices everyday for your bullshit lies, so if you don’t like me questioning your bullshit, gtfo, and stfu; 3) My American system, which works for me, isn’t working, so if you aren’t helping the convo, please stand down; 4) That’s an order, you fuckin’ jackhat; 5) Thank you, and that is all.


God loves trolling Bakker, who falls for it every time. Just cracks God up.


How do you shame a sociopath?

Pious frauds are born incapable.


Perhaps he feels abortions should be legal to perform (by doctors) and encouraged (by the man), but that doesn’t mean that he’s not also okay with women receiving consequences for them.

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I have a belief that, if the Christian god really exists, they are a trickster god.


Jim, is this the same god who told you to build a water park?


I prefer sticking to actual facts. He was strongly pro-choice, until he decided to hitch his wagon to the GOP.

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God told me to ignore Jim Bakker like Bakker has ignored Him for many years.


He claimed to be strongly pro-choice.

I don’t see any reason to trust his word on anything.