Good (Encouraging) Stuff (Part 2)

Me too… we’ve not hit Peak Gaiman yet, so I say bring it on.

Wait! Actually:

What I really want to see based on his work is the stage version of Ocean at the End of the Lane, which is just such a wonderful book (also short).

AND they were supposed to be doing an updated version of The Storyteller with Gaiman as the John Hurt storyteller character…

Who better than Neil?!?


Waving Jimmy Carter GIF by GIPHY News


Trump’s legal defense fund site has been hacked. Here’s what now appears there. The tone: Talking to one’s 6 year old.



In our country, everyone has to follow the rules, no matter who they are. Our Constitution, the big rule book of our nation, says that we’re all equal. Nobody gets special treatment.

I want to talk a bit about lying. A lie is when someone doesn’t tell the truth on purpose. It’s like saying you ate an apple when you really ate a cookie. Lying is bad because it breaks trust. Imagine if your friends didn’t believe you anymore because you lied a lot. In some cases, like when people lie to the courts or the police, it’s not just bad, it’s a crime.

Before we dive deeper, it’s essential to understand what personal character means. Personal character is the mix of qualities that define a person, like honesty, kindness, and courage. It’s how you act when no one is looking. It’s doing the right thing, even when it’s tough. Our character is like a muscle; the more we use it in good ways, the stronger it becomes.

When we think about American presidents, there are some character traits that we’ve traditionally valued. We want leaders who are honest, brave, and selfless. Why? Because these qualities help presidents make the best choices for all of us. An honest president tells us the truth, even when it’s hard. A brave one isn’t scared to make tough decisions. A selfless leader puts the country’s needs before their own. These qualities have guided our nation through good and tough times, and they remind us of what’s great about America. And, remember America is ALREADY GREAT. We didn’t need an improvement. We only needed someone with good character to take the job of president for a while and then pass it on to the next citizen.

Now, there’s something else we should think about. Asking people to give money to your political campaign is okay when it’s for the right reasons, like getting support to try to make the country better. But asking your friends do donate money to the Patriot Legal Defense Fund and then using that money to defend yourself from crimes? That doesn’t seem right. It’s like if a friend kept asking for lunch money but didn’t buy lunch. People give their money to people who want to be president to make things better for everyone, not just to help one person with their problems.

“A president is a citizen that has the job of president for a while. But he is still just a citizen and subject to its laws.”

Now, Donald Trump is in trouble with the law in Georgia. This is the fourth time something like this has happened. Everyone is innocent until proven guilty, but if someone keeps getting into trouble, we should think about what that means about someones character. Can all of the people be wrong who are bring criminal charges against him?

Being honest is really important. If a leader isn’t truthful, it’s hard to trust them and that makes them dangerous. Our Constitution helps us when things get tough and when we’re not sure about our leaders. We need to make sure everyone tells the truth and does the right thing.

We should care about what’s right and good for our country, not just one person. As we watch what’s happening with Trump, let’s remember to always look for the truth. That’s what being an American is all about.

Thanks, and let’s always do what’s right for our country.

Oh! and if you want to help makes things better for EVERYONE, not just one selfish person.



Click through for whole set…


I see Sailor Moon!



That is the future I see for my homeland. Every year I see the darkness coming closer and closer. Death of the welfare state and the rise of neoliberal dystopia.

The future….is not evenly distributed.
–William Gibson

As this is about good news:


Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has been promoting her state as a place that respects freedom ― as in, the ability to control what happens to your body, who you love, or how you identify yourself.

Now Whitmer is taking that message directly to some states where those freedoms are under assault.

Last week, the Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) launched a digital ad campaign touting the state’s commitment to inclusiveness and personal liberty. Its target is a half-dozen mostly Southern states where Republicans are in charge and have passed laws restricting abortion, LGBTQ+ rights or both.



I wish he were still with us.




Me, too :sob:


Yes. I met him once, way back when he was only a few books in, and he was a genuinely nice person.


Me too. I was walking down the street in the city one day, and there was a book signing, and there he was. So I got in line. When I got to him, I quoted him at himself.

“I expect your ears must develop protective surfaces after a while.”
“Well, they certainly are a bit crusty,” he said, as he drew a scythe around his signature and flourished with “Boo!”

I never met him in person again, and that was nigh on thirty years ago now, but I still miss him.


I’ll throw my story in there:

He and I frequented some of the same Usenet newsgroups in the early/mid 1990s. I knew him by his handle and didn’t pay much attention to, or even notice, his full name.

Anyway, at some point we were IRC-chatting and he mentioned that he was working on a novel. I said “Oh, wow, that’s nice. What’s it about?” He replied, giving me some basic outline. I said “Cool. Sounds interesting. Hey, if you ever need someone to proofread it, or give you some feedback, I’d be happy to. I know it can be hard to get published.”


He said “That’s very nice of you, but I’ve got some folks who do that for me.”

About a month later, for whatever reason, I put 2 and 2 together, realized who he was, and we had a laugh about it.


Ecuador has a lot of issues.

I feel this is good news here: