GOP Heritage Foundation: Democrats must step in line with MAGA — or expect blood (video)

Maybe time to start stockpiling cans of whup-ass?


:: makes notes to get the environmental impact statements regarding the cleanup for the crator written up and placed somewhere outside the blast radius ::


Like that Spencer clip, I could watch this on a loop all day. Thanks!


Sure thing Kevin. Everyone has a plan until they’re punched in the face.


When one loner living in a shed writes a note to the FBI saying he’s gonna kill half the country - that dude is crushed by the law.

This guy, in charge of a large organization who has sway of people under him, threatens half the country and your democratic freedoms… gets booked… booked on more TV shows to spread his hate.

After the bodies are all piled up, hands will be wrung, asking “How did we get here? Where did it go wrong?”

Yeah… did not see any of this coming.


Nobody is asking the right questions in the media. When you ask an insurrectionist if they will honor the results of an election no matter what, they’ve nailed down the non-answer that apparently always ends the matter. But it’s a weasel, non-answer because they haven’t been forced to answer the real question: What if Biden wins the popular vote and the electoral college by a spectacular margin, like 65%? What then? “Well that means there was a LOT of election fraud and it’s still invalid!” The real answer is NO, they will not accept any election result except a “win”, which translates as, they don’t care about elections, they plan to take over, and the election and popular interests are beside the point. They’re pretending they even consider elections meaningful. And threatening violence if the left doesn’t kowtow is kind of a tell that they’re not just sore losers, but radical authoritarians. They want civil war. This is not hyperbole; some of them are loudly, vocally aching for it. Literal, shoot your countrymen, street battle, vigilante sheriff civil war.


I saw some folks are reporting this guy to the FBI for terroristic threats. Not the worst idea.


Keep in mind…

They have not won yet. Let’s not let them.


“They have not won yet,” is a fact that seems to get forgotten way too easily and frequently. It’s not a done deal, or even the most probably outcome. We need to stay engaged and angry. It is a most powerful motivator.


Yes. Thanks for the link. Especially this part:

American fascism, likewise, is far from inevitable. It too is largely bluff, most of it digital. The internet is much more fascist than real life, which is discouraging. But we vote in the real world. The crucial thing is the individual decision to act, along with others, for four months, a little something each day, regardless of the atmospherics and the polls and the media and the moods.


Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals

Share it widely.


With all this going on, the recent SCOTUS shit, fascists with Trump’s ear saying shit like this… anyone else wondering what the discussions are like in the Pentagon right now? It seems to me that more than anything else, the military sticking to its guns about their constitutional role is vital to helping if the worst happens in November…


The orange turd just posted this.

I will believe he knows nothing. He knew nothing when he was in office four years ago.

Even if he doesn’t know exactly what P2025 is, the people working for him will, and he’ll sign whatever they put in front of him.

Trump is a useful idiot, and that is the most dangerous kind of idiot to have in power.


Any soldier can refuse to obey an unlawful order, even if it comes from the commander in chief.

But I really hope Biden mobilizes them before they would have to stand up to Trump, because a) they may choose to obey him and b) even if they don’t we really do not want a military coup. The odds of democracy being restored once things go that far are low.


Bullshit. That wasn’t even written by T****.


Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


But under Trump there will be consequences for refusing to obey, and they will not be limited to the lawful punishment for refusing a lawful order.


Share this too, especially with anyone who thinks that a few years of strongman rule are what the country needs.

Once this process begins, it is hard to stop. At the present stage of the strongman fantasy, people imagine an exciting experiment. If they don’t like strongman rule, they think, they can just elect someone else the next time. This misses the point. If you help a strongman come to power, you are eliminating democracy. You burn that bridge behind you. The strongman fantasy dissolves, and real dictatorship remains.


Not what I’m asking…


With complete sentences, punctuation (and no exclamation points!) and polysyllabic words, you can bet your ass he did not write this. Primarily because the first three words are, absolutely, positively true. And that’s where it ends.