“I’ve been doing my own research.”
I think we need to retool the “honey badger don’t give a shit” meme to now show a giant brightly painted virus piñata that doesn’t give a shit.
“I’ve been doing my own research.”
I think we need to retool the “honey badger don’t give a shit” meme to now show a giant brightly painted virus piñata that doesn’t give a shit.
This would apply to pretty much every BS argument put forth, so I’m not certain they care about that aspect.
I am unsure where to post this, maybe it goes here?
To be fair, I have friends who do actually do their own research. One has a mass spec at home; another has a sequencer. But I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about here…
Here seems fine to me.
That’s definitely an example of the GOP death cult eating its own/itself.
SUMMIT, NJ—Determined to gather all the facts before drawing any conclusions, local vaccine skeptic Joel Edwards was reportedly doing his own research Wednesday by enrolling 45,000 friends in a double-blind clinical trial. “It’s important to always...
Est. reading time: 1 minute
To be fair, I have friends who do actually do their own research. One has a mass spec at home; another has a sequencer. But I don’t think that’s what we’re talking about here…
O to have such fantastic gear at my beck and call… [sigh, drool] Yeah, I should have written that phrase is in alternating upper and lower case, because it was meant to be a pull-quote from the crowd that not only has zero access to a mass spectrometer and a DNA sequencer but wouldn’t possess the training to run those nor respect the data that those things can yield.
Good friends to have.
Would totally shorten my tree-planting quandary of which dioecious fruit trees are male, female, or both (like papaya).
Ha, Rudy can’t even keep the 22-year-old interns on staff anymore.
Rudy Giuliani's high-profile, 22-year-old communications director has resigned amid Giuliani's mounting legal troubles.
Agree with @anon15383236 and also been seeing a lot of similar stories on the continuing coronavirus thread. Seems to be a LOT of overlap between these two.
I wonder why that is??? /s
Getting pawed over by Rudy isn’t the plum assignment it once was. Maybe her replacement, Todd won’t get chased around the conference room table as much.
The Wisconsin senator and staunch loyalist was secretly recorded by a liberal activist who posed as a conservative at a GOP event.
“I’ve been doing my own research.”
I thought of a good response if we encounter this statement in the Wild:
“Cool! Are you sequencing the SARS-Cov-2 samples with an Illumina MiSeq or the Thermo Fisher IonTorrent?”
[quote=“DukeTrout, post:192, topic:186660”]
“Cool! Are you sequencing the SARS-Cov-2 samples with an Illumina MiSeq he Thermo Fisher IonTorrent?”[/quote]
Well, sounds like someone is in the back pocket of Big Scientific Method! /s
“Cool! Are you sequencing the SARS-Cov-2 samples with an Illumina MiSeq or the Thermo Fisher IonTorrent?”
Aha! Stealing that!
Wish I’d somehow been able to hang on to the old HP gas chromatograph from my dad’s lab. It was liquidated (everything that could be, was) to pay his bills at the nursing home.
Back on topic:
On Saturday night, Florida conservative talk radio show Marc Bernier, an outspoken opponent of masking and vaccines to combat Covid-19, died of Covid-19. Earlier in the day, Caleb Wallace, a prominent opponent of masks as a means to slow the spread...
Wish I’d somehow been able to hang on to the old HP gas chromatograph from my dad’s lab.
Was it an old 1100? Those things run forever!
“Where did you get the SARS-Cov-2 samples to study? Oh, wait…is that why you aren’t wearing a mask?”
5800 series. Maybe the 5890?
Tragic stories continue to pile up of people who died of COVID-19 after denying its existence or rejecting the safety and efficacy of vaccines. Some...
Ye gods there’s a compilation on the web… I suppose it had to happen sometime, but: ouch.
Has anyone tried just straight-up paying off Rudy to publicly renounce Trump and spill the beans on his whole administration? In his current state I think we could get him to flip for 20 bucks and a sandwich.
In a predictable turn of events, someone tricked him into saying something embarrassing.
One of the BB authors posted this about a day ago. The bbs comments (I think they were up around 100 by then) are now totally gone - scorched earth approach. That prolly tells you all you need to know…
for 20 bucks and a sandwich.
Or a nice peppery lobster bisque.