Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2018/08/08/great-white-shark-startles-sci.html
Obligatory (say the line with me):
“Oh, and look, some water splashed on my pants.”
““Slow ahead.” I can go slow ahead. Come on down here and chum some of this shit.”
That’s the line, right?
i would take that as a sign that i should give up my profession and move as far inland as i can go.
“We’re gonna need a bigger boat” and some fresh underpants.
“I’m gonna eat you little squishy” - Shark
that is such a great action edit from post, and it is an insanely great react shot by the actor.
“Everyone wants to be a gangster until it’s time to do gangster shit.”
It’s almost as if the great white was annoyed at being followed by these two vessels and wanted them to back off. The shark could only communicate in the way it knows how, and it certainly got their attention!
If I have the exact location right…they are on the west side of the small inlet area of Wellfleet. Looks to be the eastern shore of Great Island which is an uninhabited protected space. I am amazed at how close to shore they are and that great white is right there. Most likely since it is off limits for swimming there are probably a number of seals at that spot during the summer. Just a guess.
I always wonder why sharks don’t eat paddleboarders like popcorn, it seems like it would be so easy to pluck them right off the top of those things doing a flying breach manuever.
new underpants needed
Right?! More like ‘Shart Week’!
This is what keeps me away from the ocean…unless I’m on a boat large enough that they cannot take it out with one bite. I am amazed by people who go out in kayaks.
Honestly…the issue is really being knowledgeable about WHERE you are. There are of course times that heavy human activity areas do have shark activity at them. It happens. But knowing where they normally gravitate to and keeping your water activities away from those areas is going to mean perfectly happy times in/on the water 99% of the time.
Fish aren’t out looking for new kinds of prey. They prefer patterns that don’t require cognitive processing. A, B, and C are food. D, E, and F are threats. Something that doesn’t fit the food patterns or the threat patterns are curiosities, but don’t trigger predation actions. Surfers are targets, because they look like seals/sea lions when they are paddling. They don’t look like seals when they are up surfing. Paddleboarders and kayakers don’t look like seals. There are a lot of cases where paddleboarders or kayakers are followed for several minutes by large sharks, and that’s all that happens. Curiosity, not an attack.
Things get muddy with kayak anglers. They often have bloody fish in or near the kayak. So here’s a thing that smells like food but doesn’t look like food. You still don’t get attacks, really, you just get sharks that want to steal fish.
WTF? Oh… oh yeah… “You’re gonna need a bigger boat.”