Guess what crime ‘How to Murder Your Husband’ writer was just charged with

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but I shot a man in Reno his kitchen
just to watch him die

A few years back, my wife entered NaNoWriMo with an idea to write a romance-novel type story about a young suburbanite widow who finds love through community service. Of course, for the protagonist to be a widow, my wife had to kill the husband off. She chose something that was frighteningly plausible for our circumstances.

Should I be worried?


When was the last time you brought her flowers?


“…and unlawful use of a weapon in the death of her husband.”

Is there a lawful use of a weapon in a persons death? I guess in self defense, but it seems like an odd thing to single out.

“If you had stuck a cruller down his throat and held it there until he choked to death, you would be fine. As it is, you brought a gun to a pastry fight…”


If you really want irony in this case, look forward to an all-female jury convicting on the basis of (approximately) disproving a well-worn feminist trope:

(technically cooking, and at work rather than home, but close enough for discomfort)

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Yeah, any degrees of separation between murderer and victim, the cops have a hard time of it. A friend-of-a-friend was murdered, and the cops nearly didn’t catch the killer because he was the estranged husband of one of her housemates (who delusionally blamed the victim for his wife not wanting to get back together with him). The cops spent a lot of time looking at all the men in the victim’s life, to the point of trying to invent some.
I’m amazed that cops catch any serial killers at all, even if it mostly does seem to be by accident. If the killer targets some marginalized people, they basically get away with it forever, unless they’re caught in the act or arrested for something else. With DNA evidence, they can link up all these unsolved cases and realize they have a serial killer and increasingly, with DNA databases, even figure out who it might be. But when bodies are kept hidden long enough for DNA to be lost, killers get away with it - especially if sufficiently marginalized groups are the victims, where cops often don’t even bother to investigate. (The number of cases I read about, where a few of someone’s bones are found in the woods, and the cops write it off as ‘natural causes’ is kind of shocking.) I’m pretty sure there are a lot of killers, serial and otherwise, running around without even being officially counted as such.


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