Okay. Just making sure you know the goal of paintball is to shoot other people…
Son of a bitch - now you tell me. I was like - damn, I’m good at this game!
I have read entire books devotedly solely to the subject of handweapons with unreliable guns built into them. But I don’t remember seeing this cutlery before, so thanks!
Here is a modern hobo version to return the favor and express my appreciation:
Bibliography please.
If you ever wanted an acoustic version of Machine Head’s “Davidian”, this is the perfect instrument.
Thank goodness it has a spoon! I mean, what if you’re in the middle of killing someone by stabbing them with a bullet and then all there is for lunch is soup. Phew! Always prepared.
soup? the spoon is for removing eyeballs
Aw, that was a million years ago! Just use the keywords “combination weapon” in your favorite booksellers website. And keep an eye out for back issues of Arms and Armour Quarterly in used book shops, there was at least one issue that had a great paper on them.
That’s right, knife fork and spoon. Plus, if I’m looking at it right, nail clippers? Because cleanliness is next to diablerie, or something like that.
The spoon-enhanced weapon industry misses Alan Rickman even more than the rest of us.
not sure about that one, but I know Reznor uses a sample of racking in NIN’s “Something I Can Never Have”
what do you think the soup is made from?
Well I don’t know if they used one firing blanks in the studio, or just sampled the sound.
It is a long,weird song, but I queued up the part I think it starts at.
Actually, Sid Vicious taught me that a bass is a fine instrument in and of itself for whacking people upside the head. Just grab the neck of it and swing. Not a lot of range, of course.
Don’t fuck with the Ooby Dooby man!!!
That guitar is Ted Nugent.
Came here to post that.
Combine that with Japanese War Tubas and you would have quite a military band.
Looks like a perfect instrument for the Hong Kong Cavaliers…