Guy deals with little kid who sets off his driveway cam every day

Yes, that’s it, lure them into a false sense of security with some fun chalk courses. Then slowly introduce speed limit, stop, and yield signs to the course, and keep track of the infractions to fine the wheels off these little ruffians.

That’ll teach em that fun has consequences :neutral_face:


There is a difference between passive goodness and active goodness, which is, in my opinion, the giving of one’s time and energy in the alleviation of pain and suffering. It entails going out, finding and helping those in suffering and danger, and not merely in leading an exemplary life, in a purely passive way of doing no wrong. ~ Sir Nicholas Winton


Get off my lawn! And onto my sweet driveway racetrack!


I need a lot more stories like this. My year has been so dark that this bit of brightness made me cry. Am I alone in that?


No, you are not alone.


Well you should’ve signed up for Criterion Channel Oops! All Pollyannas! (No headcanon required, subscribers fund a rural broadband delivery gift. Making this up as I go, mehaps kinda sorta a thing already.) But this came out nice (and left the self cameos to that minimum. Ha! Made me wonder if it was greasing the driveway at first.)


Yeah, gotta get some smile stories inta ya. We’re gonna need it this winter. Stay sane and realize the brightness may or may not come back in full force so nuggets like this make it worth it. Spread your own nugget of happiness!


Then a kid falls down and hurts himself in the driveway and the homeowner gets sued for failing to provide a secure play space.



Yeah. I know things have gotten bad when I broke down, sobbing, at the end of Bill & Ted Face the Music just because a movie is the only place that I feel any hope. I’ll admit, I’ve growing concerns about the stability of my mental health, and fear that I’m going to slide headlong into depression - if I haven’t already.

I guess that is why the “Wonderful Things” here, that truly are wonderful, have such an impact. I know I truly need them. Like many, I’ve been confronted with far too many deaths among my friends and family this year, and don’t even have the closure of a memorial service to help move past it.

Folks? Check on your American friends. We’re not alright.


Yeah, that’s one slippery slope I don’t want to go down again (been there). Things will get better, just try to stay safe and go for walks. You’d be surprised at how therapeutic they are just to let your brain relax and think about good stuff.


When clicked, I thought he was going to install a little waterproof speaker and play little motion-activated sound effects in the driveway… vrrrooom vrooom, or crowd applause, or videogame sounds… Like the musical stairway in the Boston Museum of Science.

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