Han and Greedo now shoot simultaneously in latest version of Star Wars: A New Hope

That version is excellent; it is like traveling back in time to 1977.

In total, there are about 20 versions of Star Wars: A New Hope, here’s a diagram showing most of them (click for larger version)

Source of this diagram: https://www.thestarwarstrilogy.com/2017/10/29/so-you-want-to-watch-star-wars/




And ultimately filled with holes and disappointment.


I thought Greedo was that slur we’re not allowed to say about mobsters? :thinking:


if they shoot simultaneously that defeats the whole point of revising it at all. id prefer they left it alone in the first place but supposedly george didnt want Han to be the kind of scoundrel who’d murder someone without being about to be shot himself. if they shoot at the same time theres no way han would have known greedo was gonna also shoot which takes him back to the original preemptive murder. its all very silly.


Next version will be a team-up with Oliver Stone to explain how Han could not have shot Greedo from the angle he was sitting at and it was actually BoShek from across the bar.


This is a great metaphor, but it could go a final step further: there is no treasure—never was. It’s pareidolia with digging. That’s the only truth which makes any sense.


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Now one can see why I still hold on to the original version of THX1138 in spite of also having GL’s latest version. Major, major changes. Michael Jackson’s face had nothing on GL’s cut jobs.


I also dislike that it takes away from the arc of Han going from a guy who was looking out for No. 1. At 7 years old, I thought that Han really was going away, leaving his new friends to die fighting the Death Star. The arc of him finally watching out for something bigger is substantially deadened if Han is just shooting in reaction to being shot at.


That was also a big problem with giving Han a standalone prequel movie—it meant that he got to the “sacrificing his own self-interests in the name of a noble cause” part ten years ahead of schedule.


Just top to bottom its not neccisary, and there’s no way that was what was originally intended as Lucas claims.

I think that was more a problem with the particular prequel movie he got. It’s basically the same arch he went through in the OT, with a fully formed Han from minute one. Where all the things are explained.

Solo is fun but its pretty inessential and doesn’t particularly follow well into EP IV. Its basically “That Guy You Loved: The Greatest Hits”.

We first meet this guy in the sketchy end of an also ran planet lying/bragging to an old man to make a quick buck. You could tell an interesting story about how he sank that low.

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Yes. Great for illustrating SW’s way-to-often insipid dialogue. :slightly_smiling_face:

I never understood the moral quandary with this. Luke shot first, and killed tens of thousands on the Death Star. Somehow he gets a pass? Are we saying Greedo is some kind of innocent, whereas the entire population of the Death Star are evil?


Pretty sure it was Boing Boing that linked me to the post where I learned about “Pixelfucking”. The example was from Titanic: “are you sure those seagulls are big enough? Atlantic Seagulls are maybe larger than the ones here in LA” was the specific example given…

…but Im pretty sure George Lucas was the very first one to get started on that particular malfunction.

Once upon a time…


Please. I was there the summer of '77 and I saw Han shoot first 3 times before school started back up in the fall. I saw the first re-release in '85 and owned the videotape and I think I still have the laser disc. I’ve seen it right so many times that all the new versions since 1997 look stupid, wrong, sped up and weird to me.

Han shot first and us kids all thought he was cool AF because he obviously had nerves of steel and was the baddest MF in the cantina. If someone is pointing a gun at you and making threats, shooting them first IS self defense. George had it right the first time.


Wondering not if… but when:

Star Wars (ESB) ver. 4.0 (?) Darth Vader: “Yeeeeessssssssssssss!!!”

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In Empire, Han has a Death Mark on his head and there were off-stage attempts on his life. (“A Death Mark isn’t an easy thing to live with.” “Thank you General Obvious.”) I wonder if he let those assassins take a shot first too?


Twelve times for me. Twelve.

Han. Fucking. Shot. First.