Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

Not too photogenic, but here’s a plate of homemade corn pasta carbonara with shrimp.

ETA: the pasta is called stradette. It’s my first attempt at this dough and I really need to do at least one reconfiguring of the recipe before I’ll be happy with it.




Love it.


Cold kimchi noodles.

They were delicious once I added the gochujang in. Spouse had mostly skipped it because we had a young guest over who assured us they loved kimchi. We were concerned about the spice. Our young guest determined the rather mild kimchi was “sooo spicy.” It was funny but also odd. I can’t figure out how they’d had a milder kimchi. Plus, I know their parents serve the spicier Vietnamese dishes.
The butter noodles made for kii-kitten didn’t stretch to two very well, so we whipped up some cheese quesadillas to fill out the corners for the two kids.


I’ve had kimchi that is quite hot, others which are nowhere near as spicy, I think how fermented they are does make a difference, maybe?


I’m not sure it’s the fermentation but how much gochugaru is added. This particular brand, Mother-in-law’s Everyday Kimchi, is a little bit white-ppl-spicy but not much. Probably the least spicy kimchi I’ve ever had though quite flavorful. My spouse likes it because it allows him to tailor the spice levels. I like that it doesn’t have shrimp paste and is yummy. Great vegan option.
We thought the kid knew what they were getting into. They’ve definitely had a lot of exposure to different foods, traditional Vietnamese food and a variety of other potentially spicy cuisines. Maybe they were just feeling sensitive to spice yesterday? Or they only had tiny bits mixed with other things. There is a lot of kimchi in the recipe.


comedy central lol GIF by Drunk History


I get this because it’s fairly spicy, but definitely fermented, live cultured, and you get it in the fridge section, though it will last for a while (I think it’s EU/UK specific), I also like their beetroot kimchi version, though that is nowhere near as spicy.


You forgot the brand! I do want to know
The Mother-in-law’s kimchi is also fermented, live culture, and refrigerated throughout.

I have no noodles. I’m hungry. Maybe kimchi Mac&cheese?


Sorry, photos are on my phone, I post, then edit in to add em…


I tried this brand and i found it to be hotter than other brands we buy regularly, maybe it was that particular batch but i was very confused over the spice level because it was labeled as mild and i would’ve considered it medium heat. It was fine for me because i have high tolerance but it was too hot for my SO.

Kimchi seems pretty easy to make, for those that don’t have a lot of tolerance for spice i would recommend making your own.


kimchi is very easy to make at home, given the right ingredients. we do it here. i like it very spicy, as does the mum.
before learning just how simple it is to make, i purchased a home starter kit from Mama O’s:

they aslo make a ghost pepper spiced kimchi that blew this pepperhead out of the water! y’all know i like it hot, but just a little bit of this was thermonuclear in a big bowl of ramen. left me gasping, sweating and nose running uncontrollably.
i do not recommend that version!
WRT: mild kimchi, i seem to recall @kentkb having a source (or recipe) for a white kimchi that he claims was mild enough for a hot-spicy aversion. Kent?


There is definitely some heat in there. Much more than an equivalent bottled mild salsa, particularly if eaten alone or in quantity. I read the the mild as being mild for kimchi. All the kimchi I’ve had, in restaurants and various brands, was spicy. I’ve only had the red kind, not Baek-kimchi. The noodle dish ended up less spicy than the kimchi alone just because of all the other ingredients.

Making kimchi might be fun!


I have considered making it, and sauerkraut. For kimchi i’ve looked at a couple recipes, i want to say that the one i wanted to try was Maanchi’s recipe. She has a few recipe variations, including a vegan one. For those interested she also has some of these recipes on Youtube as well showing the process, here’s one where she’s a guest on one of my fave YT channels


Thanks for the link to the vegan one. I have problems with the flavor of shrimp and a lot of fish/oceanic creatures. I like fish in sushi and sashimi most of the time but not cooked. Which makes me sad.


For spice levels, if I get it from H-Mart and it’s marked mild I know mom won’t like it, and it’s a gamble if I will. If it comes from Mitsuwa I will like it and mom still won’t. Korean spicy is a whole nother level of spicy.


I love fishy flavors and the majority of seafood, but i can get why you would not be a fan of the shrimp paste. Hope the vegan recipe tastes good, i really need to try making it as well :slight_smile:


mango season is coming to an end, and this year’s crop was more abundant and bore larger fruit than last year. we grow the Tommy Atkins varietal. they are large and firm and were developed by the UF specifically for the south florida grower. i have already pickled the early-drop windfall mangoes, and the larger, tree-ripened fruit have been yummy just fresh cut.
today, i started a batch of mango spears to dry in the air fryer on “dehydrate” setting. peeled, sliced, then rolled in Tajín (chili con limon seasoning) and placed in the basket. set for 135F for 8 hours. we’ll see tomorrow how they come out!
the last fruit will be used in a Cambodian-style pounded salad. looking forward to that!


I love my local Rainbow grocery: https://rainbow.coop


I find there are also major differences between texture level labels on Japanese and Korean tofu.
But Japanese tofu tends to be softer. Korean “Soft” is Japanese “Firm”.