Happy Mutants food and drink topic (Part 2)

That looks delicious!

In related but sad news, they cut down the Italian plum tree in my neighborhood!

Sad Matthew Mcconaughey GIF by Legendary Entertainment


What the hell!!! What is wrong with people?!!?

One grocery store here will sometimes carry prune plums for a week or so. If I miss the window, wait 'til next year, sorry!
Locally plum season is in the early summer. I had only seen sweet varieties before, but this year for the first time I saw one advertise that they had a sour variety. I wasn’t able to get out there in time to buy any; again, maybe next year. I want to try them for baking because most snacking plums, and even the prune plums to a degree, are sweeter than I like.


They cut back the autumn plum tree on my way to work and there we barely any free plums on it this year.

Add that to how all the local cherry trees are now too tall for me to get significant amounts when I’m walking the dog and I would like to see the manager please.

There’s just the minette plums a few metres away and my mushrooms that I’m not telling you where they are.
Oh and all the hazelnuts of course.

But basically I still want to see the manager about my forage


One word: stilts.


I used to perch a child on my shoulders but they’ve grown up a bit and are less biddable to my whims.


When they’ve grown up a little more maybe you can perch on their shoulders?



For the Asian pears I use an extendable pruning pole to pull them down and a fishing net to catch them before they splat. I don’t think that would work well with cherries though.





Argh!!! Crape murder in progress! Nooooo!

Crape murder is the incorrect pruning of crapemyrtle trees to “encourage” blooming that also results in stunted misshaped unhealthy trees over time.

credit https://aggie-hort.tamu.edu/plantanswers/publications/stopthecrape.h

And to get back on topic:

Get a horse? Back in the Dark Ages when I was a horse-crazy preteen, I could pick the wild muscadines (thick-skinned wild grapes) up high alongside the trails.


For those that don’t know, the process is called pollarding and is a method for controlling growth for certain shrubs and trees. But it is often done to trees that don’t do well with it, even if they survive it just makes it look ugly as hell and takes a long time to recover and involves a lot of active future pruning to encourage proper growth. Though the instances i’ve seen its done to trees that might otherwise be entirely cut down due to the tree being too tall and being a danger of causing property damage.


That is both the best and most practical solution.
Apart from I’ve never been on a horse unfortunately and I don’t have anywhere to keep it apart from my house.
Horseys are like doggos right? I have one of them snoring and grunting away at the end of the bed. A horse would sleep relatively quietly in the bedroom?

I was at the big horse show the other week and they do a relay jumping competition with international riders and local young people with ponies and the ponies were soooo cute and eager.
I wanted to bring a horse home.

If someone wants to bring this closer to the subject of the thread, please don’t. Please.


you must be incredibly more dextrous and coordinated than i. my starfruit tree is over 10m tall and trying to “thrash” the high fruit only then to catch them in the fishing net, would be comical at best. i do have an extended fruit grabber - the kind you can make with PVC tubing, a 2liter sodapop bottle and some twine. still can’t get some of the highest ones until they fall.


Half the houses in the neighborhood do this. I don’t blame them too much because the idiot builders planted crepe myrtles at one front corner of every house two feet from the foundation

I just ripped ours out. It isn’t dead yet, because it is a crepe myrtle. It’ll grow back from an inch long bit of root. Damned zombie. But the infinitely more suitable Pride of Barbados is winning the war after the first few years of pulling.

I don’t really trust any forage near by. We tested the local pond water and :fearful: the kid is under strict instructions to eat only dandelions from our yard. No where else.


in arizona, we called this type of brutal “pruning” knuckling and it was primarily done to mulberry trees. really stunts further growth and just looks ugly for half the year.

to the topic: mum and i tried to make a mulberry wine, some 40 years ago…
it did not go well. incredible mess when corks blew out and bottles exploded.


Fresh Rock Crab claws for a salad today.


knife crab GIF


When someone crabby grabs a knife, back away quickly!


my favorite crab! stone crab doesn’t come into season until october, 'round these parts. right now we “make do” with lobster!


Yep. We had a house in Bolinas were the crabbing was good. I favored these over dungeness crab.