Here's the gross sexual remark Jim Carrey made to a woman reporter while promoting 'Sonic the Hedgehog'

Was it “better” that it happened, and thus we get to see it? Else I doubt any of us (or hardly any of us) would ever have known this interview occurred.

At least the players in major sports leagues get Press Coaching, which is why we pretty much don’t hear anything interesting at all out of anyone during interviews anymore. “Jim, how does it feel to have skated your rear off for fifty-nine minutes only to have your goaltender give up a terrible goal like that with 37 seconds left in the game all because he was staring at some woman in the crowd and it cost your team the Stanley Cup?” “Well, Bill, it’s always a team sport, and I think as an organization we’re obviously disappointed to not win the big one, but we’ll learn from this and definitely we’ll be back next year…” blah blah blah blah.

OK, so this could easily be called creepy. On the other hand, he could have said something else equally ridiculous and had it not been directed at the interviewer we would have had (or might have had) a different reaction. I took it as ridiculous, and an attempt to be funny. I was sorry that it seemed to set the interviewer back on her heels (understandably). But why would Carrey (or anyone) do this in an interview, especially in this day an age, knowing it would be broadcast to - well, widely, I suppose - without it being seen as an attempt to be funny? Sometimes they fall flat. It did. If the interviewer was offended, then an apology is called for. If she was not?

I don’t think I’m really taking a position here - just bouncing it around (ah! Thus the “BoingBoing”!)…

That’s actually a good movie. Doesn’t make him any less gross but a good movie

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He’s a toad. Feed him to the snakes.


It was creepy. Full stop. The woman was doing her job, interviewing carrey for a children’s movie no less, and he decided to use the opportunity to hit on her. He could have chosen to NOT do that, but he in fact did do this.

It’s still creepy and incredibly unprofessional.


Oh my, I’m holding my face in exhaustion. Jim Carrey, the comedian, said it in jest in my view.

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“It CAN’T be sexist and inappropriate if it was said in jest! Them’s the rules!”


Why does that matter? Why is that a viable excuse for saying creepy things?


Here’s the thing;

Just because something isn’t a problem for you personally, that doesn’t mean it’s not a problem at all.

Note that I have enough respect for your opinion as a regular member that I won’t post the requisite “People of Privilege Don’t Get to Dictate What’s Offensive or Oppressive” meme.

Do better; ‘be the person your dog thinks you are.’


When I first watched it, that was what I heard. A pretty lame joke, as far as such jokes go. But it left me kind of confused about what was so outrageous.

But clearly, the interviewer heard it the predatory way, and what was (probably? Maybe?) intended as innocent humor is now reframed as sexual harrassment.

Meh. Communication is supposed to be this guy’s full time job. He gets paid a lot of money for being amusing. If he can’t make his comedic intentions clear while promoting his latest project, I sure as hell am not going to defend him.

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Aw, Wiploc, I think I’ll miss you least of all.


I haven’t seen if or how Carrey responded to the controversy, but if he meant it in the innocent way then I’d expect him to follow up with “oh gosh obviously I didn’t mean it THAT way, that would have been inappropriate and gross.”


Post-“Don’t worry they will fix it in post”

Second one on this thread. Stay classy, guys.


We’re pretty sure a ‘Manbaby Signal’ goes out across the interwebs every time an incendiary topic regarding sexism or misogyny gets posted here:



Had I wanted to deal with toddlers, I’d have had children.


He spreads information which may well have resulted in the actual death of children, but he’s okay because he doesn’t like a particular asshole? Wow. Interesting moral outlook you got there.


I am a parent and I still never have had to deal with such petulance and obtuse self-absorption.