Here's the weirdest, scariest stuff Trump said at 77-minute 'I’m not ranting and raving' meltdown

I can only ever think of one type of “movement” when him and his supporters talk about it. “This is a movement like you’ve never seen!”

Um, gross.


Those neat little human-launched missiles run on red fuming nitric acid and UDMH, neither of which you want leaking. And the US military even considered adding beryllium (extremely toxic dust) to missile propellants to increase the specific thrust. “It got there a few seconds earlier but sadly a load of our own troops died of beryllium poisoning.”

Seriously, the lack of consideration for human life, not by actual soldiers but weapon designers, is even more worrying than Trump.



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That’s ok, Trump’s got it covered. He has the best words.

In all seriousness though: I tried to read the transcript I really did. I can’t even parse it, or force myself to pay attention.

Shoot it at a target, smash it up into fine dust, and spread it around, and it will do you and no good, even if it does not hit you.

All uranium, not just certain isotopes (basic chemistry here) is chemically reactive, and because it has essentially no biological role, it’s very toxic in the body. The More You Know!


Nope. POTUS Trump insists that no one he deals with has anything to do with Russia. Somehow, I feel that quite a few federal agencies disagree.

@adonai It isn’t saving myself I’m worried about. I’m a straight white guy, and liberal as we are I don’t think Trump will actually nuke or invade Massachusetts any time soon, even by accident. Unless the Northeast and CA decide to secede.


Just thought I’d share the awesome kickstarter project I ran across today:

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Obama had an anger translator, so Trump can have a disjointed ramble translator…


You mean, I think, a coherence translator. The issue with O’b was not showing anger.


I’d watch a skit of Key as Luther the anger translator looking in blank shock between Alec Baldwin’s Trump and the camera.


I’m thinking that that a very kind way to say it. Personally, I keep getting reminded of Dustin Hoffman’s performance in “Rain Man”:

“Have to get to K-Mart. 400 Oak Street. The sign said ‘Don’t Walk’. Have to get to K-Mart.”

Compared with:

“The press has become so dishonest that if we don’t talk about, we are doing a tremendous disservice to the American people. Tremendous disservice. We have to talk to find out what’s going on, because the press honestly is out of control. The level of dishonesty is out of control.”


BTW, am I the only one put off by soundbites like “Peace Through Strength” (Frieden durch Stärke)?


Trump’s less like a catapult and more like an air cannon, and propaganda would be a polite euphemism for what he’s firing out of the hole in his face.


Yeah, the formulation of the question gets alarming for more than one…

Well, it seems that we could tell him, but he’d stop listening (or retaining it) after a few sentences. It’s rather shocking that this man displays a lack of knowledge that you’d expect from your average college educated person, and completely fails to even try to bring himself up to the most basic level of knowledge he needs to begin to grapple with the issues he’s tasked with. Although the gulf between what he knows and what he needs to know is so enormous, he’d find it impossible to close it, even if he didn’t have cognitive issues.

Important things. You know, this thing and that thing and the other things. Also some stuff. Lots of stuff.


The obvious pro-Nazi dogwhistles have been continuous since the primary. Remember this?


Have Mark Hamill and Alec Baldwin coordinate: Baldwin lip-syncs to Hamill reading choice tidbits of the speech in the Joker’s voice. If this “shit sandwich” goes on long enough, Hamill could even do this while hosting SNL to promote the next Star Wars movie. [Hopefully it doesn’t go on that long.]


Yeah, it freaks me out. It’s right up there with:
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength


If War == Peace and Ignorance == Strength, his statement could thus be interpreted as:

War through Ignorance

Sounds about right.


That could (will) be the epitaph of the American Empire.


There is a meme in that thought.

Picture of something depleted, corrupted, deranged, dysfunctional. “This is your brain on Trump”.