Here's the weirdest, scariest stuff Trump said at 77-minute 'I’m not ranting and raving' meltdown

Adding my 2 cents into this

That was painful to read, not so much because of what he says, that doesn’t surprise me, but the way he expresses himself, I have an ESL Japanese friend that speaks better grammar than that joe



Sleep well, children. That man has the nuclear codes. Sweet dreams…


I choose to believe that paranoid but high ranking operatives have provided him with fake codes.

I know I would have, if in that position.


Damn right. Me too. I hope you are correct.


Nope. This person, and his crowd are nothing but the last thrashing about of the past. They won’t count as more than a blemish on the scroll. Their catch phrases, and issues are all things that the majority have already put behind them, and they themselves know it. tRump KNOWS he is in the wrong, morally, ethically and legally, it’s why he smirks all the time. The whole crowd do, squirm as they might. It is why they can’t get their shit together, they have no faith in themselves, nothing better than greed to appeal to one another with. That won’t work because they know it will be seen as what it is, so won’t trust each other to divi out the spoils.

Quite simply, tRump isn’t big enough to kill the USA and its Ideals.

Goddamn the man though, for trying.


When I am in a hopeful mood, which is increasingly often, I remember the term “extinction burst.” We weather this storm, and the haters, fascists, and ignoramuses will crawl back into their holes and the pols who supported them will spend the rest of their careers denying it ever happened.


That’s what i heard and he was doing so well up until then but the old fox news bile was regurgitated.


Like he could remember the codes. He probably had Bannon memorize them for him. Sleep tight.


Yes, the black caucus is huge you know

Bigly folks. I mean tremendous. He’s got clothes. He’s got the best clothes.


I hope the dude with the football steps up if it ever comes to that and just shoots the fucker in the back of the head.

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“In fact, we had to go quicker than we thought because of the bad decision we received from a circuit that has been overturned at a record number. I have heard 80 percent, I find that hard to believe, that is just a number I heard, that they are overturned 80 percent of the time. I think that circuit is — that circuit is in chaos and that circuit is frankly in turmoil. But we are appealing that, and we are going further.”

His “hearsay” numbers pulled out of his butt are amusing, but the rest was bat-shit crazy. He reminds me of Nixon without the sweat.

The press is the enemy
Richard M. Nixon

BTW, Nixon orders FBI wiretaps to track the sources of leaks revealing secret bombings of Cambodia in May, 1969. But on February 1, 1969 he ordered wiretaps on reporters who covered the Vietnam War.

No event in American history is more misunderstood than the Vietnam War. It was misreported then, and it is misremembered now.
Richard M. Nixon

When the President does it, that means that it’s not illegal.
Richard M. Nixon

You must pursue this investigation of Watergate even if it leads to the president. I’m innocent. You’ve got to believe I’m innocent. If you don’t, take my job
Richard M. Nixon

More Nixon quotes that sound like Trump here:


Wotta shit show

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It would be larger perhaps if we didn’t have such gerrymandered districts to make safe districts for white conservatives and keep them in the majority.


Looks like 4 time bankrupt Trump is applying his business skills to government again

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Not sure that I would describe “FCQ terrorists bomb stock exchange in Montreal, Quebec.” as a Natural Disaster. On the whole, it needs more work.

And this article indicates that the wiretaps were started a few months later.

The White House wiretaps were intiated on May 9, a few hours after the publication, on page one of The New York Times, of a highly accurate dispatch from Washington revealing the B-52 bombing of Cambodia, by William Beecher, a military correspondent. Beecher’s dispatch did not describe the excessive secrecy and fraudulent record-keeping involved in the bombing, but it did report that the missions were designed to “signal” North Vietnam that the Nixon Administration would be tougher and far more willing to take military risks for peace than previous administrations had been. Kissinger spoke with Hoover four times on May 9, asking him to find the leakers and declaring, according to a Hoover memorandum, that the White House “will destroy whoever did this if we can find him, no matter where he is.”