Highway wolves

Best thing about the video: it was a complete accident. The band shot a (very expensive) video at the same motel with a big cast, then when they got the edit they hated it - so ended up going with what you see in the article (performed by one of the extras from the shoot):


First person cycling video for spin class? The soundtrack’s already there…

In the early aughts, I was walking from the Yellowstone Lodge to my tourist cabin at about 11 p.m… I rounded a corner and almost collided with a GIANT white wolf. We had the identical, simultaneous reaction to the encounter: “Gasp!” [clutching our respective pearls] ! She, being much faster, turned and ran off, past the circle of light from the lamp post. Stunned, I tried to talk myself into thinking she wasn’t as big as she seemed…but she was so BIG… I saw one of her perfect paw prints in the snow (it was mid-February), and I put my own large hand inside her print. There was room to spare, and I have big hands and big feet.

The next day, I asked a park employee about the wolf encounter. She said there was a white female who would wander near the lodge in the dead of night, which confirmed my unscientific impression of her as a female - not a male. Another park employee tried to argue with me that she had been a coyote, but I countered that, as a farm kid, I had seen P-L-E-N-T-Y of coyotes and wouldn’t be impressed by one. A giant white wolf is very impressive.


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