Hillary Clinton accepts Democratic party nomination for president

Someone with a better memory than mine suggested that she wore white because she is now a higher grade of wizard. Like Gandalf.


Disclaimer - I’m just some guy who reads magazines. That said, the TPP is wildly complicated. It has many horrible things in it, like those creepy courts, which subvert sovereignty. They don’t subvert democracy, necessarily, because the countries may not be democracies, but still, Not a Good Thing. As for the free trade aspects, while there may be arguments for protectionism, I haven’t heard them. I guess we either levy tariffs and pay more for made in USA products (and thus subsidize high-cost producers, but keep jobs around), or we allow low-cost imports to put US producers out of business, and then have to pay for more social services. Certainly, the first option has more dignity and lends to community stability (and may fend of fascism). On the other hand, if those workers don’t unionize, they’re liable to get shafted anyhow. And they’ll probably resist unionization because of … whatever.
I read somewhere (no, I’m not going to find the link; google it if you’re interested) that when people wax nostalgic for manufacturing jobs, they really miss unionized jobs, whether they’ll admit it or not.

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I think it was more of a familial/USA theme;


I agree that the constant drama with regards to Russia is pointless. But I think war between those two countries hardly constitutes a “world war”. World wars have historically been called such precisely because they are between many countries, as opposed to only two. I am not convinced that the rest of the world has any interest in being involved in such a conflict.

I imagine that they wouldn’t have much choice, if it came to that.

FiveThirtyEight. I remember reading it a few months ago. Good read. For those curious, here 'tis:

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Some are even thinking of worker-owned companies.


Are you sure that’s USA? Looks more like a French flag to me…

Heck, my own senator is still in the TPP camp (and I wish he’d get out); he is otherwise an awesome guy who does good work. Maybe I should write him a letter, though I’m not sure what to say other than “TPP BAAAAAD.”

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I actually got an email back this week from one of the people I sent it to about TPP (I sent it to my local MP, to the Minister of International Trade, and to the Prime Minister — the Minister of Trade’s office was the one who replied), saying, basically, “We hear your concerns, but we’re listening to the other side, too, so no promises.”

Truthfully, any reply is more than I expected, so even a noncommittal reply is nice. I just hope that they make the right decision.


Perhaps a nice cordial email explaining why you have serious issues with TPP might give you a response that signifies whether he’s changing his mind a bit.

I contacted my rep for something (I think the link was broken on their weekly e-news letter) and I got a response from a former student. We emailed back and forth to catch up, and I took one of those times to tell him that I wasn’t keen on the secretive TPP. He unofficially acknowledged told that our Congressman wasn’t too enthusiastic about it, either, and was considering a no vote. And this was last fall when there was a lot of pressure for House Democrats to support TPP.


Of the five people who replied to those comments saying they wouldn’t be “falling in line,” @thirdworldtaxi, @milliefink and @enso have been posting anti-Hillary messages even today (much to the annoyance of those who are holding their noses to support Hillary), and @Malarkey, as far as I can see, has neither denounced nor endorsed Hillary since the primaries ended.

Only @snowlark has said that they support Clinton, and their only contribution to the discussion wasn’t to say that they wouldn’t be voting Clinton, but rather:

I don’t see anyone claiming that no one would vote Hillary, only a few people insisting that they themselves wouldn’t do so, and they seem to have stuck to their guns about it.


I really don’t know at this point. I say this in the knowledge that it doesn’t matter if I do though. I live in California and anyone with “(D)” next to their name carries our state for president.


Oh you! Knocking down his lovely windmill before he could get in a good run at it.


Hey, don’t diss Don Quixote. He may have been a fool, but he was a noble, true gentleman of a fool.


True. And a much more gentle spirit as well.


What, you’d rather they wore the actual stars and stripes, rather than just a red white & blue color scheme?

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It’s…frustrating. I’m still steaming after the DNC email leaks, knowing that Sanders would almost certainly have had an even better chance at clinching the nomination. The left should be glowing white-hot right now, with much of that heat on local and state Democratic candidates.

All I can say is I’m glad I have some ondansetron in my medicine cabinet, 'cause I’m going to need it come November.


You’re not the only one. If he’d have lost fairly, it would still be a bitter pill to swallow. But we will never really know now, will we? Given the brazen arrogance shown by the emails I wouldn’t put it past the DNC to more actively cook the books for Hillary. And giving DWS a nice cushy appointment with the campaign less than two days after her impartiality was brought to light… that makes it look even worse. I guess you can add me to @nimelennar’s list of the not-yet-convinced. Hopefully that will change before November as I am terrified of a Trump/Pence presidency… but I’m about ready to take a break on politics and political threads. I’m feeling overwhelmed right now and it would probably do me some good to set it aside for a while and come back fresher later.