Hillary Clinton exclusively used private email account while conducting official secretary of state business

You know, given what I’ve gone through to get IT to set up user accounts for my newly hired adjuncts, maybe this was not so much her fault… :wink:


She’s never going to be president. Too many people hate her…in both parties.

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But is there any other candidate that the electorate hates less?

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Barely. There was at least one Bush or Clinton serving in the White House in some capacity from 1981 through 2013 if you count VP and Secretary of State. These last two years have been the first time since the Carter administration when there wasn’t a member of one of those families who was at least fourth in line to succeed the Presidency.

I’m sure some governor will step forward.

Whoever has a “D” next to their name will win. By 2016 there will be several million new people able to get registered who will owe their allegiance to the Democrats.

Uh huh. Or maybe they’ll just be women or non-whites, since, for some strange reason, those folks don’t vote overwhelmingly Republican…

It is good to see we have a token conservative or two here.


LMFTFY: Lois Lerner.

I’m not as conservative as you might think, but I dislike cheating…it brings in bad people and sets a bad course even if the “right” side wins by doing so. This is obvious to everyone when the Other Side does it, but when their side does it it’s not a big deal. “Meh”, as someone up the thread said. Someone who was probably rightly angry when the Bushies did it, but just can’t see what the big deal is anymore.

Most elections are decided by a percent or two, which is annoying, and causes south drama every 4 years. But add a couple of percent of people who can get the documents needed to vote, then add fast/track citizenship to the party platform. Voila, guaranteed edge…add to that a compliant media who will report your opponents’ sins 24/7, but yours once a month and you have locked it in.
Carrot Top would win in 2016 if he had a D by his name. Guaranteed.

Apparently getting votes from people who have the legal right to vote is cheating. Making policies that appeal to people so that they will vote for you is cheating. Unless, of course, those people aren’t real Americans. You may not be as conservative as I might think in a traditional sense of the word, but that kind of thinking drops you deep into the ugly political definition of conservative bandied about by those who don’t like conservatives.


NYT is definitely portraying this as more brazen than similar acts by numerous politicians who have previously mixed public and personal email accounts.


Can someone comment on the legality of this? Seems like this would be illegal today, but was she acting entirely before the Presidential Records Act was amended as such? I see some chatter about her violating “regulations”, and some complaints about FOIA requests, but I’m not sure how that fits into the bigger picture.

[quote=“jansob1, post:49, topic:52884”]
I’m not as conservative as you might think, but I dislike cheating…it brings in bad people and sets a bad course even if the “right” side wins by doing so.[/quote]

Me too. Glad that there is no evidence that it is actually happening.

Then there are two sides? I’m a socialist. An actual one. Which side do you think I’m on? Hint: I’m not a Democrat.

And your evidence that this is actually occurring is?

Frankly, this sounds like the Benghazi thing. Lots of noise about something that is actually nothing.


No, they do not have the legal right to vote just because they will have immigration documents. But after they get DLs and other docs they can get on the voting rolls illicitly. Since there is conveniently no way to check for citizenship or even ID people, they will vote for the party who will fast track citizenship. That’s cheating.

Well this is a positive development at least:

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You think that there is a possibility of a one or two percent swing in an election because of people illicitly getting on voting rolls? Like, 3 million to 6 million people managing to get onto voters list despite having no right to vote?

That seems a little big staggering.

But even if true that’s still nothing like cheating by the Democrats. Having policies that people want to see implemented isn’t cheating, even if people want to see those policies implemented so badly they are willing to cheat to help you win. If police in Florida intimidate black voters in an effort to suppress the vote, that’s awful, illegal and racist, but it isn’t the Republican party cheating, it’s just that Republicans are authoritarian enough that police are that eager to see them elected.


If people vote before they are citizens, it’s cheating. It will be staggering, but that’s exactly what Dems are setting up. It’s not legal to check ID at the polls in most swing states, unlike nearly every other country. Ask the Chicago voters who showed up to find they had “already voted”.

How come no one thinks the Black Panthers scaring retirees in Fla was voter suppression? How come no one finds statistically impossible 100% voting in huge Chicago districts strange? If Repubs are so authoritarian how did they and their vast police state allow this? I’d say the authoritarian side is the one ignoring laws and ruling by decree. Which seems fine by you because the rulings are things you like…hope you trust them to remain so.

Yes, people voting when they do not have the legal right to is illegal. And from what I’m reading it sounds like Chicago has had it’s share of fraudulent voting scandals, but all the ones I can find relate to cheating by partisan election officials, not to immigrants illegally voting. The whole theory makes no sense. If it is so easy to vote fraudulently and voter ID isn’t checked, then a legal voter who supported a party could vote in six different districts. Dead people aren’t taken off voter lists, and in one case I found a pet was on a voter list because it’s owners had a phone in it’s name. Electronic voting machines record incorrect results directly stealing votes from voters with no paper trail. All of these forms of cheating are open to both democrats and republicans. None of them require the use of immigrants or become more effective when immigrants are involved. So why are immigrants the specific source of the problem?

Well, I’ve never heard any reports of that. If that’s happening, that’s rotten. I quickly found a case in Philidelphia. It was two men, not exactly an organized effort (which doesn’t make it right, but it’s not like being intimidated by police).

Voter turnout didn’t exceed 100% in any area I could find, it was more like 60% tops. Registration exceeded 100% of the population, for reasons mentioned above about lousy registration systems that leave dead people on voter rolls, etc. Again, if someone is going to vote as a dead person, they could be a republican or a democrat, they could be someone who isn’t allowed to vote or someone who already cast a ballot under their own name. Why is this connected to immigrants?

Once again, you seem exactly as conservative as I might think in the worst way - of course you think that I love the democratic party because I’m disagreeing with you about the likely effects of immigrants on voter fraud (and on the scale of voter fraud).

America is a crazy police state where gerrymandering and political involvement in elections has hugely subverted democracy. Partisans rule on whether there is a recount in an election. The supreme court rules in a completely partisan manner instead of actually upholding the law. The president has an extra-judicial kill list, and somehow that is seen as a partisan issue instead of just a human rights issue.

So what on Earth is this nonsense about immigrants? Non-citizens are not in some superior position to everyone else to commit election fraud.


Plus, and I am not sure you are aware but the president is… (whispers) black.

Just, FYI, there is plenty of evidence to suggest that cases of voter fraud are wildly inflated:


Whereas cases where people have been struck off voter rolls when they were legally allowed to vote have happened far more frequently:


We shouldn’t stand for voter suppression by EITHER party. We should be pushing to make elections and the act of voting as smooth, easy, and democratic as possible.

The Black Panthers ARE retirees!!!


That comment says far more about you than me.