Hillary Clinton is more inspiring than ever in this look back at her campaign

One idea that’s made the rounds regularly is that polls underrepresent Trump support because his supporters are too embarrassed to admit it or have other social reasons to not report. I wonder if the opposite might not be the case. Any pro-Clinton message not only invites aggressive bullying by Trump supporters, but also brings a pile-on by a hostile left-wing (virtually always citing Wikileaks). I joined/was invited into a private group on Facebook of pro-Clinton people who were generally uncomfortable expressing their support because of the anti-Clinton bullying/harassment, it went from 100k to 2 million members over a couple days.


She won’t be President until January.

There’s already plenty of material to work with.

But not, however, anything that comes close to justifying the election of a bigoted fool like Trump. As most of y’all are well aware.

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I posted that image b/c first poster’s cynicism is tiring. Did it make him vomit? Did his mommy help him clean himself afterwards? Yawn.

I included your comment because I believe you’ve linked that article before, or variations thereof, that cast HRC as a warmongering expansionist murderer etc. etc. and which, IIRC, @nungesser or @bibliophile20 thoroughly debunked and, lastly, which I find to be of the same strain of fearmongering and handwaving as Breitbart et. al.

I voted for HRC b/c I think she’ll have more luck in operating among the GOP remnants and because trump represents a real and present danger to the US. Jill Stein is not a serious or capable candidate in my eyes, and Gary Johnson is either temperamentally unprepared or materially unprepared, and at base, is not a candidate for me.

HRC is not a dictator wanna-be who is bent on subjugating brown people, and that was the tone your article struck with me.


It almost seems like he’s wearing Daddy’s hand-me-downs, or something. But it’s probably just what the tailor said: he’s buying off-the-rack sized large enough to fit his gut.

In the comments at your link, someone posted a photo of Obama in a suit, and then Trump, and in response another poster said:

“Obama is so handsome. Not just by comparison, but goddammit. It’s like putting a glass of French wine next to a half empty PBR that’s mostly backwash.”



Fear, not you need never wait in vain when the underlying subject is Clinton partisans’ abuse of commenters here.

  1. Men like Trump should be criticized for their lavish excesses, including their +$6,000 bespoke suits. (Despite his tacky appearance, I suspect his suits are bespoke, and he probably has a rack full’o each color, all made to order. His total layout for the campaign may exceed hers.)

  2. You are making excuses for the grotesque spending habits of our hyper-elite when you sneeringly attempt to shut off criticism of Hillary Clinton over this. Trump’s obvious, aching need for criticism does not magickally erase hers. She could easily buy bridge wear (Dana Buchman, Jones NY, etc.) off the rack & get it quietly tailored to her specs without anyone the wiser. It would cost less, and would stay within the norms for business women throughout the nation.

She doesn’t bother, however. She doesn’t have to ‘wear a cloth coat’ the way Pat Nixon had to. She and her personnel are utterly careless about rubbing our faces in the fact, and as Acer Plantoides indicated above, there was a fuck you dogwhistle embedded in that cover image. Not a pixel of that promo was accidental.

Feel free to exult in that arch, highly intentional reference of hers. It’s marginally less obvious than Trump’s coarse demands for obeisance, and enjoying it is the natural right and purview of a Clinton Democrat.

I’ll remain a Sanders partisan to the end. I voted for her. I do not however, accept the beatdown that you – her partisans – are attempting to dish out to everyone who criticizes this very compromised, insular, right-of-center politician.


You’re speaking to someone who wore a cloth coat WITH Pat Nixon.

And I did not sneer. Nor exult. Nor am I a Democrat. And finally, I am not giving you a beatdown.

You can choose to apologize and then explain your thoughts in a civil manner, or you’ll get flagged by me. And I almost never flag.

  1. I am 55; my understanding from your comments is that you are within ~5-7 years of me. I do remember those cloth coat from the 60s, but Nixon’s Checkers speech dated to 1952.

  2. You were intensely patronizing and supercilious in tone and you continue to be so. I have been utter civil in this comments thread. If you “flag me” you will be abusing the system, in the expectation that you can get away with abuse if the topic is a favored one. You may be right but it is a foul way to behave.

Actually, it was the cocker spaniel that saved Nixon, not the cloth coat. And while Clinton has been successful to the extent that she can afford expensive clothing (this has been the case since her years at the Rose Law Firm), she comes from the most modest background of any of the 4 candidates. The coat was evidently bad optics for some people, but she certainly has a better idea of middle-class America than her opponents, whatever she’s wearing.


Seems I touched a nerve, sorry man, it looks like you really need this, I will never express my opinion again

Nope, sure haven’t.

No, far worse: she is a reasonable, skilled, and experienced part of the American machine. She has a great platform and knows exactly what to say. Basically, she is the nightmare that was Obama, but more effective.

I do not care who you voted for, your vote is meaningless. I care who you respect and defend. Vote for Clinton - shit, vote for fucking Trump for all i care, just don’t pretend that these politicians have anything but contempt for you and me.


You do realize that within the first few minutes (1:38 to be exact) of the video is Hillary preparing to debate Bernie Sanders and one of her aides behind the scenes asks “Are you wearing those shoes onstage?”


Schröder’s Brioni suits* got a lot of (negative) media attention.

But you’re right, he’s an exception** - female politicians are much more often affected.

* did not find an English article
** Hollande and his 24/7 barber is similar


Let’s lighten up; don’t waste the energy on needlessly negative shit.

(The girl with the blonde afro-puff in the olive pantsuit gives me LIFE.)


This is wonderful, thanks! I totally agree with you.
And they are all so great.
Don’t mind if I say the guy with the small black thy in gray jacket took my attention a bit away from the rest. :wink:


Gray jacket? Got a time stamp so I know who you mean?

He’s prominent in view a lot of time, left from the great lady in olive and blond ponytail / afro puff. Grey it is (the jacket), I made (again) a language mistake.

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You sure it’s not black & white (which could look gray?)