Home Depot's 12ft skeleton is Halloween decoration of the year

At least it’s tied down, not just the guy’s hand holding it, like I saw a guy do with a mattress once.

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The art institute of Chicago has a piece in its collection titled “Felix” Its a cat skeleton in my favorite scale, one foot to the inch. When I saw it, they had it placed such that you could walk under it. (and for the comment about added ears, this one was accurate). Unfortunately my visit was in the pre digital camera days, and I am too lasy to go dig up the film versions I have.

I have since done some pieces in that (or similar) scale. One was for the Cambridge peoples sculpture race and was a tribute to an even older niche race, that of belt sander drag racing. Here is the top half, Imagine wheelie bars off the back, and the drive rolls and a belt underneath. (pictured this way as it best shot I have that shows scale.)

Another piece at an even larger scale was “Decisions Decisions” built for the TV series “Going Deep With David Reese”. They did a probability episode, and wanted a dramatic coin flip. So I gave them a machine that flipped manhole covers.


Most dog skulls are weird enough without adding ears.


Leave the skeleton up and just change out the accessories throughout the year! Place a top hat and appropriately shaped year-themed glasses for January, a pair of swim trunks and sunglasses for the Summer. The possibilities are endless!


Buy enough of them and Home Depot can increase their donation to Trump’s campaign.

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They’re trying to upsell an angle grinder

I wouldn’t mind installing this in response to the various Trump signs in my neighborhood. Just make it hold a giant ass sign that says DEATH TO FASCISM.


That thing is AWESOME!

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She had beautiful blonde hair that cascaded down her back. None on her head though.


Oh, to have been a fly on the wall at the first meeting where they made that decision.

Prop designer: So here’s the prototype of the plastic dog skeleton. It’s based on a terrier. I think we captured it pretty well overa—
Manager: Wait, that’s a dog? Why does it just have a hole for a nose?
Prop designer: Well it’s a dog skeleton, and the nose itself doesn’t have any bones any more than a human…
Manager: My dog has a big wet nose. We call him “Captain Snoofers” and everyone loves him.
Prop designer: Right but… you want us to put a nose on the skeleton?
Manager: Floppy ears too. Captain Snoofers has big floppy ears.
Prop designer: Yeah but then it won’t look like a skel…
Prop designer: [reconsidering decision to pursue art degree] Yessir. We’ll slap some tongue bones on right away sir, sorry for the oversight.


This mighty object will surely be commemorated by the poets of future generations. Maybe something like this:

I met a traveller from a suburban land,
Who said – two vast and trunkless legs of PVC
Stand on the lawn…Near them, in the swamp,
Half sunk, a shattered economy lies, whose mounting debts
And excess of consumption and demand,
Tell that the vendor well those passions read,
Which yet survive, stamped on the receipts,
The urge to ever greater Halloweens.
And on the pedestal these words appear:
“Made in China, sold to USA.
Look on our imports, ye mighty and despair.”
Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
Of everything except the plastic trash, boundless and bare,
The rising seas have washed it all away.”


Screw miniatures! Now’s the time for “life size” gaming!

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I really do want this, I just don’t know where to put it for the other 3 months of the year.


I have a rubber mask like the head on that character. It’s gone over pretty well in past Halloweens. But damn it gets hot in there – have to pour it out when I remove it. Which, I guess, makes that mask about right for this year…

Oh hell, I’ve had to do this with plywood, even when it is tied down. The plywood acts like (or, just becomes) an airfoil.

I audibly laughed over this. Honest.


Me mate suggested donating US$300 to charity rather that buying this thang. I must concur.



(No it’s not a complete sentence, but circumstances demand this.]


Halloween is not a big deal where I live but I WANT ONE OF THESE.


Does it come with a double row of teeth?

… what, am I the only one who watches those stupid History “documentaries”?

See, now that’s how you hide the bodies!
“Oh, that? That’s just for Halloween.”


Crap… gonna need a bigger gaming table… :slight_smile: