Hordes of people pelt eggs at "People's Convoy" when truckers get stuck in Oakland traffic (video)

They can wish in one hand and poop :poop: in the other, see which one comes true.


I hope that those people paid for their eggs.

I wonder how much fuel the convoy is burning through; also, are trucks being used in a political protest covered by insurance?


Ah, that’s what that was. I have coal-rolling on the brain, but thought the smoke was too light to be that.
Must be nice to have so much disposable income and free time that they can purposely ruin perfectly good tires. Own the libs at any cost, I guess. Obnoxious assholes.
I usually hate seeing food get wasted, but this didn’t seem like a waste. At all.


Last I had seen they were based out of Sacramento Raceway Park, which is actually on the other side of Sacramento from the Bay.


Unless I’m mistaken, the police can seize that yellow fire truck. It’s not a real emergency vehicle and it’s illegally using lights and sirens. Pull it over, arrest the driver, and take it to impound.

As for me, in case they come here, I’m researching the location of the air horns on those trucks so they can be disabled with minimum fuss.

Any suggestions? I’m thinking self-expanding spray foam into the horn orifice. It won’t completely stop the sound but it should deaden it to a low hum. Those big truck horns depend on a lot of resonance.


I like the way you’re thinking!
This whole stupid “movement” of theirs pisses me off so much, but in the broader context it is so unfair that they get away with the blatant noise pollution, but a bunch of kids playing music a little too loud at a house party will get a veritable swat team called on them in many places.


Uh Huh Reaction GIF by Originals


Mess with my sleep and you’ve declared war.


Features and Benefits

  • Multipurpose interior/exterior use1
  • Black color blends naturally into the surrounding environment
  • Expands to fills, seals, and insulates gaps up to 1 inch (25mm)
  • Forms a long-lasting, airtight, weather-resistant seal
  • Helps reduce unwanted noise and vibration
  • Adheres to wood, metal, masonry, glass and most plastics
  • Tack-free in 5-15 minutes2; trimmable in one hour
  • All-direction dispensing.
  • Paintable, stainable and sandable
  • UL classified
  • CCMC 13074-L

ETA: Looks like the air horn on most semis is located behind the grille mounted laterally at about 3’ off the ground. One person to stop the truck, one person to distract the driver (or better yet, wait until they are out of the cab), and one person to reach through the grille and spray the foam. Perfectly done, they don’t even know it’s been done until they go to blow the horn and nothing happens. :smiling_imp:


During the recent Ontario occupation I was daydreaming about how I could vandalize their vehicles, but didn’t even think of disabling the horns, which would be beneficial to the neighborhood. My only feasible idea was to try to blend in and pretend I was part of their party scene, “drunkenly” stumble and roll under the truck, then puncture a few tires.
It’s so shitty that it’s even come to this kind of thinking, though. I hope that in our lifetime we get closer to a society where law enforcement actually protects the commons from shitheels like these guys.
In the meantime…do what we gotta do.


I hope those eggs were already rotten. No sense wasting perfectly good eggs.


A banana? Just look at it!


Time for a re-read of The Pushcart War
The Pushcart War - Wikipedia, a book with many ideas for disabling trucks in cities.


Never been more proud of my old neighbourhood - forcing them up 63rd to the source of the eggs was a brilliant move


Oh wow, you awakened some long buried memories there! I just read a plot summary and I’m amazed how much I remember given I haven’t even thought of it in decades. Gonna have to find a copy and give it a re-read too!


Normally I would say - don’t throw something at anyone’s car. However, these “People’s Convoy” jackholes are making a public nuisance of themselves because they are gigantic babies and they are practically begging to be egged.


Beggin’ for an Eggin’


I was wondering about that. Having one is legal but they seem to be regulated fairly tightly for operating on the public roads.

Edit: s/pubic/public/g – Which really changes the whole tone of my statement, I know!


Not sure I want that anywhere near my pubis.


Bananas are for tailpipes. :wink:

eddie murphy film GIF